Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public
[Translation from Japanese to English ] Thank you for contact us. But this item is out of stock. We can ask warehou...
Original Texts
Translated by
Thank you for contacting us.
The product is out of stock at the moment.
We will check with our supplier for stock availability, if you could allow us a few days.
Kindly advise us as to what you would like us to do.
The product is out of stock at the moment.
We will check with our supplier for stock availability, if you could allow us a few days.
Kindly advise us as to what you would like us to do.
Result of Translation in Conyac
- Number of Characters of Requests:
- 84letters
- Translation Language
- Japanese → English
- Translation Fee
- $7.56
- Translation Time
- 7 minutes