I made friends of all kinds of people from junior high, senior high and college. In the process of making the friends, I felt that the friends had strong influence in my ways of thinking and establishing a goal of my life. Many of the friends from junior high were not interested in studying so much but pursuing of pleasure. Although I originally liked to study, upon noticing myself, I hardly studied very much. At that time, I thought it was ordinary and I could not well imagine the other ways of student life. After then, I could pass the entrance exam, by good fortune, of a high-ranked senor high in terms of its educational offering. After graduating senior high, the situation changed completely.
Those new friends studied a lot. It made me think studying hard is normal. As a result, I was able to get into a good college. Of course, not only studying, but also listening to music and reading influenced me a lot positively.
People tend to say an environment affects us, but I think what affect us the most are friends. Therefore, the best way to change yourself is to become friends with the people who you want to be.