Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Adding brand, celebrity, or manufacturer names to a listing that was not made...

Original Texts
Adding brand, celebrity, or manufacturer names to a listing that was not made by that company, person, or manufacturer isn't allowed.

Please note this was not an attempt to single your listings out and we welcome reports of any other items you may encounter on our site that you believe fall under the same policy. Please refer them to us using the "Report Item" link on the listing page.
Please be sure your future listings follow these guidelines. If they don't, they may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including restrictions of your buying and selling privileges and suspension of your account.
Translated by yyokoba

これはあなたの出品を狙い撃ちしているわけではありませんし、私どものサイトで同様の規則に抵触すると思われる他の出品品目についてのご報告を歓迎します。出品ページの「Report Item」リンクを使ってご報告ください。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
34 minutes
yyokoba yyokoba