Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] A 50-year-old woman was seen in the emergency department at Massachusetts Eye...

Original Texts
A 50-year-old woman was seen in the emergency department at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI), affiliated with this hospital, because of pain and decreased hearing in the left ear.
The patient had been in her usual state of health until 6 weeks earlier, when she noted decreased hearing, discomfort, and a sensation of blockage in her left ear. She saw an otolaryngologist at another hospital. On examination, there was maceration, desquamation, and minute hemorrhages on the left tympanic membrane, without perforation. An audiogram reportedly showed conductive hearing loss in the left ear, with a speech-reception threshold of 20 dB.
A tympanogram was flat (indicating decreased mobility of the ear drum, a feature that is consistent with the presence of fluid in the middle ear).The ear canal was irrigated, and a crust was removed from the eardrum. The patient was treated with oral azithromycin and an otic suspension consisting of neomycin, polymyxin B, and hydrocortisone. Symptoms improved briefly but then recurred, with worsening pain, and she came to the emergency department at MEEI.
The patient did not have otorrhea, tinnitus, fever, weight loss, cough, nausea,
vomiting, or abdominal pain. Tests for tuberculosis and the human immunodeficiency
virus had been negative in the past.
A diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia
had been made 18 years earlier; treatment had included interferon alfa and
hydroxyurea and had been complicated by anemia that required intermittent transfusions.
She had hypertension, anxiety, chronic diarrhea, and mild renal insufficiency.
Her medications included anagrelide hydrochloride, darbepoetin alfa, and
sertraline. She was allergic to hydroxychloroquine sulfate. She was married, had
worked in a health care facility, and currently worked in an office; she had traveled
to Europe, the Mediterranean, and in the distant past, to China and the Caribbean.
She did not drink alcohol, smoke, or use illicit drugs. .
Her mother had had diabetes
mellitus, hepatic and renal disease, and breast cancer, and her father had had
heart disease and hypertension; her siblings and her child were healthy.
On examination, the blood pressure was 152/72 mm Hg and the other vital
signs were normal. The left auricle was normal. The left ear canal and tympanic membrane were erythematous, and the canal contained white debris; there was a serous effusion in the middle ear. The right ear was normal. The Rinne test revealed better hearing by means of air conduction than by means of bone conduction bilaterally; in the Weber test, sound lateralized to the left. The remainder of the examination was normal.

Translated by minatogawa
50歳の女性が左耳の痛みと聴力低下のために、この病院と提携している Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) の救急治療部を訪れた。
ティンパノグラムは平坦であった( 鼓膜の可動性の減少を示しており、これは中耳に液体がたまっていることと一致する)。外耳道は洗浄されており、 痂皮は鼓膜から取り除かれていた。患者は経口薬アジスロマイシンおよびネオマイシン、ポリミキシンB、およびヒドロコルチゾンで成る耳用懸濁液を処方された。症状は一時的に改善されたが、後に再発。 痛みが悪化して彼女は MEEI の救急治療部へとやって来た。
検査によると血圧は 152/72 mm Hg で、他のバイタルサインは正常であった。左心耳は正常であった。左外耳道および鼓膜には紅斑性があり、左外耳道には白い細片が見られた。中耳には漿液の滲出が見られた。右耳は正常であった。リンネ検査では左右両方とも、骨伝導よりも気導の検査で良い結果が現れた。ウェーバー検査では、音が左に偏った結果が出た。他の検査結果は正常であった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
minatogawa minatogawa