Translation & Localization / Translation

[Thai ⇒ English] Document proof-reading: survey document on automotive industry

Order Details

Requesting document proof-reading to native Thai speakers with high level of English reading.

Content of the document is a survey on automotive.
The survey has been conducted for the last 8 years.
Every time several questions are added.
We would like you to check newly added questions are translated properly and are natural compared with other part of questionnaire.

If there are any unmatched translations between Thai and English, please highlight and modify in the modify column.
Also please modify if there are typos or unnatural phrases in the language.

* Quality is a high priority. Translation results are expected to be effectively and easily conveyed by readers.

around 10,000 to 20,000 JPY
The volume will be about 800 words.

<Due Date>
We send the file on May 1~ 3.
Delivery should be within 2 days.

We cannot use file upload function of conyac because of my company's security.
So, after deciding who we will order, we will ask the person about the contact address.
(after contracting, it is okay to exchange contact in conyac terms)

Required Translator Languages
Thai → English
Word or Excel
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


25 Apr 2018 at 18:24
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
10K yen–100K yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People

Accepting Other Translation Requests

Thai → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 2 days later
Thai → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 7 days later
Thai → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 3 days later
Thai → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline 3 days later

New Arrival Requests

Thai → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later
Thai → English
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later
Thai → English
Application Deadline 16 days later
Thai → English
Application Deadline 28 days later

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