Translation & Localization / General Localization

Request to correct diary

Order Details

We operate a correction application for language through Interchao. Please correct diary posts that have been written in Japanese, in English. Please also comment on the diary posts with any additional corrections or helpful information.

Target user:
-Japanese and English learners.
-The application is mainly targeted at beginners to intermediate level students.

Job requirements:
-English speaking (need not be native).
-No Japanese required.

Requests when using the application:
-Correction is done within the application.
-Find and describe grammatical mistakes and make corrections for more natural phrases.
-Pick about 3 mistakes per diary (600 characters) and write the corrects in English.
-Finally, as a summary, write an impression of the diary and the overall evaluation of the English level (about 2 lines).

Amount of money:
-100 yen per case.

-Not all sentences need to be fixed.
-The perception should be that a teacher from a language school is correcting the student's diary.
-Rewards will be paid for each case. If the number of characters in the diary is 600 or less, it will count as one case. If the diary exceeds 600 characters, it will be counted as multiple cases.

-Please give priority to the diary that has not been corrected, especially if it is a first time post on the application, and if the diary that has not been corrected in more than 2 days.
-Up to 3 people can make corrections per diary.

Example of cases and character count:
-1 to 600-character diary.
-Two diary entries with 601-1200 characters.
-Three diary entries with 1201-1800 characters.
Same as below

[Notes / prohibitions]
Avoid making remarks that can be deemed as hurtful or harassment. If there are no mistakes, please find at least one more section of the past that can be made more natural, and enter your comment.

app url
Required Translator Languages
Interchao app
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


30 May 2020 at 15:37
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
500 yen–10K yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People