Various translation (English to Japanese)

Contact Freelancer
900 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Japanese
I translate from English to Japanese.
Email, brochure, web contents, SNS and so on.
My motto is to research and check nicely in every task, and make the document natural.
E -> J Manual book of IT(Network) product
E -> J Web article
J -> E Web site and guidance display of Japanese sightseeing facility
J -> E Guidance script of Japanese hotel
Mon-Fri: 6pm-12am(JST). Weekends: all day.

yui-t-audrey's Profile

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Almost 7 years ago
Japanese English


TOEIC 900点


Thank you for visiting here.
I'm native speaker of Japanese, translating between English and Japanese. I've worked as Network Engineer for a couple of years. Currently I'm studying translation at school, especially about visual media translation. Mainly translating from E to J.
As I'm still new in translation industry, I'd like to try various fields and be help in any way possible. So please feel free to contact me.