Translating is my job!

Contact Freelancer
500 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Proofreading
English → Japanese Chinese (Simplified) → Japanese
I love studying foreign languages! I started leaning English when I was two years old, so I think I can speak English as well as native Americans :) Also, I can translate Chinese into Japanese.
I have worked at a restaurant where many tourists visit every day. I used English almost every day, so Leave everything to me!
Mon-Fri (13:00-22:00)
Sat,Sun (9:00-22:00) JSY

shiori-ogswr's Profile

ID Verified
Almost 9 years ago
Japanese Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)

英語 TOEIC800点程度
中国語 新HSK6級
スペイン語 DELE C1程度
