If you need an Italian, english or spanish translator .... here I am!

Contact Freelancer
$30.00 per hour
Tech & Programming / Other
English → Italian Italian → English English → Spanish Spanish → English Italian → Spanish Spanish → Italian
I love my language. Italian is very difficult for foreigners. And a lot of italian people cannot understand english very well.
So it's very important have a good translation for website or other things. Everything becomes more clear for all.
I would like to help you in it.
I degree in advertising at Milano IED university. I study english since I was 6 years old. My mother is Spanish so I speak and write spanish very well. I also study Chinese, but at the moment my level is elementary (HSK level 1) and I'll hope to learn it better.
It depends how long is the text, but one week is ok.

leonameyers's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
Italian English Spanish
Culture Advertising
I'm Italian on my father's side and Argentinean on my mother's side. I was born bilingual with a natural predisposition to the linguistic approach. I studied English, advanced language high school, so I can offer high level translations in Italian, Spanish and English. Graduated in Advertising Communication I also started studying German and Chinese (basic level at the moment). I have considerable experience in this sector, in different fields and I really hope to help you to translate everything you need.