[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] トラベルジャーナルの岩下室長は「ベトナム観光の魅力とMICE最新情報」について講演。ホーチミンやハノイの主要観光素材や旅行商品パターンを解説。 ハノイ滞在...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は iorisan さん etiemarc さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 888文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 5時間 13分 です。

toushisによる依頼 2012/09/29 19:32:52 閲覧 2262回
残り時間: 終了



評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/29 21:41:28に投稿されました
Iwashita, the general manager of Travel Journal, delivered a lecture on "the fascination of sightseeing in Vietnam and the latest update on MICE(Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition), and commented on the major sightseeing attractions and patterns of various travel goods in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi.
He introduced various tips for planning a travel in Vietnam, such as, that staying in Hanoi is recommended from October to March, which is usually popular as it being a dry season, and also May and June are recommended as it being mid-summer. Also he introduced that Staying in Ho Chi Minh is best on the new year's holidays, for the workers return to their hometown.

Horiuchi, a sectional chief of Vietnam Airlines, appealed that the number of flights per week of Vietnam Airlines, JAL and ANA between Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh and Japan are up to 65 to 66, a very easy access of visiting.
評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/30 00:14:22に投稿されました
General Manager Iwashita of the Travel journal gives a lecture on "charm and the MICE latest information of the sightseeing in Vietnam". He comments on main sightseeing material and trip product pattern of Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi.
In from May to June equal to the midsummer being recommended, Ho Chi Minh, a worker went home, and New Year holidays with a little traffic were good, and, other than the dry season from October when the Hanoi stay was generally popular to March, the hints of the Vietnam trip plan introduced.

Service number of service appeals to Horiuchi, section manager at Vietnamese airline for the good access called 65-6 flights by JAL, ANA sum total in a week to bind both cities and Japan of Hanoi Ho Chi Minh together.



評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/29 22:45:29に投稿されました
He also introduced holiday resorts such as Da-nang district in central Vietnam, as a new spot which has gotten most attentions out of all the Vietnam's resort spots.

Suzuki, CEO of ISC and administration officer of Association Vietnam in Japan, told about the attractiveness of Vietnam, which included inexpensive cost of living, low crime rate, good old scenery bringing back memories of rural Japan 40 years ago, and beautiful architectural structure from the French colony era.
Also, not only the beauty of world heritages and resort spots, but communications among each generations and among people who are successful on a world wide basis make it able for a unforgettable MICE to be proposed.
評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/30 00:37:46に投稿されました
In addition, I introduced the resort that I did including the Da Nang district of the central part as the new spot that attracted attention in Vietnamese rich sightseeing material most.

Suzuki, representative director of Vietnamese association of ISC which acted as a director gave the inexpensiveness of prices, the good point of the peace and order, the good old scenery which reminded of the country in Japan 40 years ago, the beautiful building in the France colony times as Vietnamese charm. In addition, the interchange with the talented person who played an active part in the interchange with each generation, the international stage was not only beauty and the resort of the world heritage and told that suggestion of MICE to remember enabled it.

イーテックグループの玉井 代表取締役は「グローバル化への変化 海外への事業シフト、見えてくるシニアライフ」というテーマで、ベトナムでのビジネスチャンスやリタイア後の移住について提案した。法人税額の減免措置や優遇法人税率、年7~8%の経済成長予測、ホスピタリティの充実、国民気質が日本人に馴染みやすいことなどから、毎年30程度の企業が進出していることなど、ベトナムでの事業展開の魅力を説明。現地のMICE関係者との交流についても語った

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/29 23:06:43に投稿されました
Tamai, CEO of E-Tech Group, Inc., gave a proposal of Vietnam's business chances and immigration to Vietnam after retirement, under the theme "Changing to globalization, corporates shifting their businesses to overseas, senior life getting visible clearly".

He explained the charms of business deployment in Vietnam with following reasons; reduced rates and exemption to the corporate taxation and to the corporate preferential taxation, annual economic growth of 7 to 8%, fulfilling hospitality, temperament of the citizens blending right in with the people of Japan, and about 30 corporates expanding their business to Vietnam each year. He also talked about interactions he has had with the people involved with MICE on the spot.
評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/30 00:40:51に投稿されました
Representative director Tamai,of E technical center group suggested it about emigration after business opportunity and the retirement in Vietnam on a theme named "the business shift to the change foreign countries to globalization, the senior life that I saw". I explain charm of the business development in Vietnam including around 30 companies going every year because reduction of taxes measures of the corporation amount of a tax and a preferential corporate tax rate, 7-8% a year of economic growth predictions, improvement of hospitality, nation temperament are easy to adjust to a Japanese.He talked about the interchange with the local MICE person concerned



評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/29 23:33:53に投稿されました
Through his overseas experience in Hanoi, he explained about the comfortable retirement life in Hanoi, which has been chosen as the No.1 as the most inexpensive place for travellers. With northern Ho Chi Minh's rural city concept by Tokyu, he said that it was a suitable place to withdraw from society in a positive way overseas.

Vietnam's distilled spirit, Lua Moi, was served to the attendants, and they also got to receive Vietnamese coffee as a souvenir. It was a seminar that made the attendants feel the air of Vietnam, and that was done not only through the lectures they heard sitting down.
評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/30 00:46:08に投稿されました
In addition, He explains hypereasy retirement life in Hanoi chosen in the cheap city first place of tourist prices with the stay experience of own. There were the Tokyu garden city designs of the Ho Chi Minh north, and "it was filled with the outside", It passed that it was a ground suitable for "being [ outside ] filled" which is social positive withdrawal overseas.

When Vietnamese shochu Lure Moi was treated an attendant to, and there was a souvenir of the coffee from Vietnam, it was with the seminar that could sense not only the lecture but also the Vietnamese atmosphere bodily.



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