[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 会社の起動源を選択しましょう Eric Riesによると、新規企業にはウイルス、粘着、支払済の3つの成長エンジンが挙げられる。 新興企業の核となる...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は lurusarrow さん [削除済みユーザ] さん [削除済みユーザ] さん tshirt さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 10件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 6012文字

haiji81による依頼 2012/07/16 01:20:40 閲覧 3568回
残り時間: 終了

So you’ve got an idea for the next big thing. Awesome! How are you going to get people to know you exist?

Your biggest competitor isn’t someone who offers a similar service. It’s indifference. Every single one of your target customers is bombarded daily with requests for time, attention, and money. It’s important to know how you’re going to ensure your product gets noticed.

Below is a step-by-step process you can use to begin developing a unique and compelling marketing plan that will attract your first 1,000 users in no time. This milestone helps give you the quantifiable traction you need to support your future fundraising efforts and helps you secure additional press coverage. Here’s how to get started.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 01:51:29に投稿されました


[削除済みユーザ]- 約12年前
評価 49
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- 2012/07/16 05:53:44に投稿されました


★★☆☆☆ 2.0/2
[削除済みユーザ]- 約12年前
in no time → すぐに でしたね。よく見るとまだリサーチ不足が目立ちます・・・。すみません、勉強になりました。

Figure Out if Your Startup Idea is a Great One

In short, it comes down to where you are on your search to obtain a problem/solution fit, also known as product/market fit. In his new book, The Startup Owner’s Manual, author Steve Blank notes problem/solution fit occurs when you have found a problem that a lot of people want solved and your solution solves it in a compelling way. Sean Ellis, of CatchFree, explains that determining whether your solution is compelling is the equivalent of figuring out if it is a “nice-to-have,” or a “must have.”

Next Steps

Build a minimum viable product
Work to achieve problem/solution fit
Suggested Resources

Minimum Viable Product, a guide by Eric Ries
Running Lean, by Ash Maurya

Determine How to Grow Your Startup

Determining how you are going to grow your user base starts with how your business model is structured. If you haven’t gone through the exercise of developing a business model canvas for your startup, then do so now. The canvas, developed by Alexander Osterwalder, will help you pinpoint key pieces of information, including your cost structure, target audience, and how you will make money.

Next Steps

Download a copy of The Business Model Canvas and begin to fill it out
Watch this interview with Alexander Osterwalder to get a better understanding of the business model generation process

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 12:42:21に投稿されました

新興企業のユーザーベースの成長予測のためにはビジネスモデル構造の分析から始めます。まだあなたのビジネスモデルについてキャンバス分析されていないようでしたら今すぐそうしてください。Alexander Osterwalderによって考察されたキャンバスは価格構造やターゲット顧客、利益の確保などの主要な情報をピンポイントで収集することができます。


このAlexander Osterwalderのインタビューを見てビジネスモデル発展に対する理解を深めてください。

Select Your Company’s Growth Engine

According to Eric Ries, there are three engines of growth startups can use, including viral, sticky, and paid. To select your startup’s primary engine of growth, you must first determine the projected customer lifetime value (CLV) of an average user of your product.

For example, if you create an iOS app that costs the user $1.99 and you have no additional ways to generate revenue from that user the CLV is about $1.40 after Apple takes its cut.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 09:56:24に投稿されました

Eric Riesによると、新規企業にはウイルス、粘着、支払済の3つの成長エンジンが挙げられる。


Understanding your CLV helps you determine what growth engine is viable and provides structure to your brainstorming activity around specific tactics you can implement to drive user adoption. Dave Owens, author of Creative People Must Be Stopped, says that is exactly what you want to do.

Engineer the Product and Prepare for Growth

Regardless of the growth engine you select, you must continue to engineer the product to support it. For example, if you selected the viral growth engine but didn’t improve on functionality that’s designed to increase your viral spread, you would be shooting yourself in the foot.

In an interview with Venture Hacks, Sean Ellis notes that it’s crucial for startups to learn the false assumptions around their marketing efforts before they attempt to actively market their product. He suggests rather than launching with one big push, entrepreneurs should utilize something he calls “trickle marketing” to acquire early customers. This is an effort to learn exactly who loves the product and why as well as how they use it. According to Ellis, the goal is to get a manageable number of users per day whom you can realistically learn from, monitor, and engage.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 10:13:40に投稿されました
Venture HacksのSean Ellisへのインタビューの中で、マーケティングを実行する前に、成功しなかった場合を想定しておくことが重要であると話しています。彼によると、起業家は大きな1発を狙うのではなく、彼の言う“トリクルマーケティング”という手法を用いて初動時の顧客を獲得することをことを提案しています。この方法は商品がどのように使用されるのか分析することであり、かつ何故それが購入されているかを考察することです。Ellisによると、最終的なゴールは毎日を通して現実的な観察することができ、商品の盛り上げ役となるような理想的なユーザーを獲得していくことです。

Next Steps

Determine your startup’s growth engine
Ensure the product and selected growth engine support each other
Document your assumptions and work to verify if they are correct using “trickle marketing”

Prepare For Launch

Below are the step-by-step tactics Andreas Kambanis of iPhone App Rockstar took when preparing to launch his two successful iPhone Apps, BikeDoctor and London Bike Rides, which have each been downloaded thousands of times. Though he used them to launch a couple of mobile apps, these tactics are fully transferable to any web-based startup.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 12:33:56に投稿されました



下記はiPhone AppのRockstarのAndreas Kambanisによるステップバイステップ 戦略で、彼の有名なアプリのうちの2つで、数千以上ダウンロードされているBikeDoctorやLondon Bike Rides始動の際に用いられた手法です。彼はその他いくつかのモバイルアプリ始動にこの手法を使用しましたが、この戦略はあらゆるネットベースの新興企業に適応できます。

Next Steps

Create an online identity using a website/coming soon page, demo video, and social media platforms. The goal is to collect around 1,000 to 2,000 email addresses of interested individuals.
Drive up initial interest in your product by revealing a few details and reaching out to bloggers in the niche you’ll be targeting. Don’t promote your product to them, but rather focus on starting a conversation.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 10:26:02に投稿されました

ホームページ/Coming soon、デモビデオ、ソーシャルプラットフォームなどのページを活用し、オンライン上の存在感を向上しましょう。ゴールは1,000から2,000通の興味のありそうな顧客のメールアドレスを収集することです。
評価 49
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 10:10:03に投稿されました


Build your offline presence by attending relevant conferences and networking events. The goal here is to build relationships with your target market and potential partners.
Keep building interest with your initial audience by revealing exciting details about your product. Ask them to share them with their friends and make it easy for them to do so by literally listing out the steps you’d like them to take.
As you approach your launch date, which should be set in stone, start reaching out to some of the bigger blogs and mention the coverage you’ve already been receiving.

Suggested Tools

Launch Rock – An easy-to-use platform for launching viral landing pages

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 10:36:40に投稿されました


Launch Rock –バイラルランディングページの設定のため簡単に使用できるプラットフォームです。


According to Stella Fayman, of Entrepreneurs Unpluggd, PR can make or break your company’s launch, especially if you are looking to gain early customers. That’s because getting attention in notable publications accomplishes three goals:

1. Early exposure for your brand
2. Excitement about your product from potential customers
3. Social proof that your company is worth exploring
Reporters generally cover companies that are going through significant life cycle events such as launch, funding, or new product launches. This will be one of the few times you can generate buzz naturally by just being novel, exciting and having an interesting message, says Fayman.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2012/07/16 12:17:07に投稿されました

Unplugged起業家のStella Faymanによると、特に初期の期間の顧客獲得においてPRは会社の始動を助長します。これは3つの目標達成のため数々の出版物において注目を集るためです。




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