Molded to fit the exact shape of the car seat, these seats allow the seat belt to securely surround the front and buckle on the side, with a clip on the back for extra added stability.The seats are constructed of dense upholstery grade foam with an easily removable and wash-washable cover in a sueded microvelvet detailed with piping.
Just clip the attached strap to your dogs harness and you're off!
The strap should only be used with a harness and always turn off the air bag or place the car seat in the back seat.
Always make sure that the webbing loop on the L.A Dog Limo™ is attached to the car safety belt system. May require a seat belt extender, for the Limo only.
LA DOG Limo(登録商標)のテープ状のループが車のシートベルトシステムにしっかり取り付けられていることを必ず確認してください。LA DOG Limo専用のシートベルトの延長器具が必要となる場合があります。
座席は過密な覆い生地グレード泡(dense upholstery grade foam)で容易に取り外せるように作られており、そしてスエードがカバーに使われ洗濯可能です。
ストラップはハーネスに使うだけで、いつもエアバッグをはずすかthe car seatを後部座席に置くべきである。