[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] クレジットカード確認の手順 クレジットカード確認の手順とは? お客様のクレジットカード取引の安全性を確保するためにMyUS.comでは、クレジ...

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shigetakamtmtによる依頼 2011/07/15 13:00:04 閲覧 5874回
残り時間: 終了

Credit Card Verification Process

What is the Credit Card Verification Process?
To ensure the security of our customers' credit card transactions, MyUS.com uses a Credit Card Verification (CCV) system, similar to those used by many major online retailers and service providers.

The system is designed to verify that credit card information we receive has come from the true holder of the account, protecting us, our customers, and our partner merchants from any invalid charge activity.
How does the process work?
Step 1: When a new credit card is submitted, a charge of between US$0.01 and US$9.99 is applied to the card.

Step 2: A refund of the same amount is applied to the card account within 24 hours.

評価 54
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/07/15 16:36:15に投稿されました


お客様のクレジットカード取引の安全性を確保するためにMyUS.comでは、クレジットカード確認 (Credit Card Verification) システムを利用しております。大手オンライン店舗やサービス業者が利用のシステムと同様のものです。



ステップ1:新しいカードが追加された際に、0.01~9.99 ドルの小額がカードに課金されます。

★★★★☆ 4.0/1

Step 3: An email is sent to the customer, notifying them of the charge and providing instructions for completing the process

Step 4: The customer finds the charge on their credit card statement or by phoning their bank and notes the amount

Step 5: Using the link provided in the email on in your Inbox, the customer accesses our system online and enters the charge in the field provided

Step 6: Our system confirms the amount entered matches the amount we charged, and approves the credit card for use

If during step 1 we're unable to charge the credit card, or if the amount entered in step 5 doesn't match the original charge, the customer is asked to provide a new card.

評価 54
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/07/15 16:44:36に投稿されました




★★★★☆ 4.0/1

Who is affected by the Credit Card Verification Process?
In most cases our system is able to verify a credit card without use of the CCV process, but depending on the result of our internal security tests the process may be applied to:
New Members of MyUS.com, providing credit card information for the 1st time
Current Members of MyUS.com who have changed their credit card information

How does the transaction show up on my credit card statement?
The transaction will show up similar to other charges from MyUS.com. Statement formats vary by credit card provider but the charge description typically includes MYUS.COM/ACCESS USA or you can look for the credit/refund.

評価 54
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/07/15 16:53:23に投稿されました





通常のMyUS.com からの課金と同様の形式となります。クレジットカード会社ごとに形式は異なりますが、大抵の場合は課金の内容に「MYUS.COM/ACCESS USA」が含まれています。また、返金から見つけていただくことも可能です。
★★★★☆ 4.0/1

What if the charge is not shown in US Currency?
On the page where the charged amount is entered, we have provided a link to an online currency converter that will help you convert the amount charged to US currency.

What if I can't find the transaction on my credit card statement?
The amount of time between when MyUS.com charges the credit card to the time it shows up on your statement can vary. We recommend contacting the credit card company to find out details on transactions.

評価 54
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/07/15 16:58:55に投稿されました



MyUS.com が課金してから、お客様の取引明細書に反映されるのに要する時間は様々です。クレジットカード会社に連絡して取引の詳細を入手されることをお勧めいたします。
★★★★☆ 4.0/1

What if I don't receive a credit card statement?
In this case we recommend you contact the credit card company to find out the amount of the transaction
Why was my credit card rejected?
Credit card can be rejected for two reasons.
Credit card company declined the charge
MyUS.com successfully made a small charge but when the amount entered by the customer did not match that was rejected.

評価 54
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/07/15 17:04:23に投稿されました





・MyUS.com からの小額の課金には成功したが、お客様が入力された額と一致しなかった場合。
★★★★☆ 4.0/1



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