[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 『$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』アニヴァーサリーブックに、氣志團團長 綾小路 翔がライナーノーツを寄...

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nakagawasyotaによる依頼 2016/03/15 14:20:15 閲覧 3012回
残り時間: 終了

『$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』アニヴァーサリーブックに、氣志團團長 綾小路 翔がライナーノーツを寄稿。また、CD発売に先駆けて、ボーナストラック3曲を含む先行配信が決定!

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/15 14:33:07に投稿されました
In the anniversary book『$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』the leader of Kishidan Kojisho Ayano contributes with liner notes. It has also been decided that the first CDs distributed will include 3 bonus tracks!
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/15 14:50:17に投稿されました
There are liner notes from Kishidan's captain, Koji Ayano, Sho. Furthermore, three bonus tracks will be recorded in new releasedCD.

『$$00002$$ BEST』の15周年記念盤 『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』Deluxe Edition同封アニヴァーサリーブックに、浅田真央(フィギュアスケーター)、仲里依紗(女優)、古市憲寿(社会学者)等に続き、公私ともに親交の深い綾小路 翔(氣志團)によるライナーノーツの掲載が決定!


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/15 14:37:32に投稿されました
In the enclosed anniversary book of the 15th memorial album of 『$$00002$$ BEST』; 『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』Deluxe Edition, liner notes will be listed by Ayanokoji Syo (Kishiken) who is a close friend both publicly and privately following Asada Mao (figure skater), Naka Risa (actress), Furuichi Noritoshi (sociologist), etc.!

Among these liner notes, precious episodes such as the process of why Hamazaki decided to appear on "Kishiken Banpaku", a festival hosted by Kishiken in 2012 will appear, so please look forward to it.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/15 14:42:24に投稿されました
Together with the 15th anniversary CD 『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』Deluxe Edition in『$$00002$$ BEST』the book is enclosed, featuring Mao Asada (figure skater), Riisa Naka (actress), Noritoshi Furuichi (sociologist) among others, as well as some liner notes from Ayumi Hamasaki's close friend Kojisho Ayano!

In these liner notes there are details on the whole event Kishidan World Fair, the festival of the band KIshidan in which Ayumi Hamasaki appeared. Other valuable episodes are shown as well. Enjoy!

また、スティーヴン・マーカソンがリマスタリングを手がけた『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』がCD発売の3/28に先駆けて、3/25にiTunes、レコチョク等主要配信サイトでの配信が決定!
また、この配信限定Verのボーナストラックとして、「A Song for ×× 」「Trust 」「Depend on you」のアカベラVer.が収録されるので要チェック!

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/15 14:45:16に投稿されました
In addition, before March 28th when the CD of 『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』 is released which Stephen Marcussen handled remastering , it will be broadcasted on iTunes and main distributing sites such as Reco-choku on March 25th!

Be sure to check it as a capella versions of 「A Song for ×× 」「Trust 」「Depend on you」 are recorded as bonus tracks exclusive for this distribution!
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/15 14:47:21に投稿されました
Furthermore, it has been decided that the CD『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』, with the mastering of Stephen Marcussen, will be released on March 28th, while on March 25th it will be released on main distribution sites like Rekochoku!

In addition, as a time limited version, the acapellas from「A Song for ×× 」「Trust 」「Depend on you」are also included, so have a look by all means!



アーティスト名は「AYUMI HAMASAKI」に統一下さい。


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