I though all of the are BIN( buy it now) items. What can I do with the 3 item I'm bidding now? There's no other way but just to wait till the auction finishes?
I misunderstood it entirely as an item of BIN (Buyitnow). But what about the three currently bidding points, by any chance will they be available till the auction end?
I misunderstood that those items were all BIN(Buy it now). How can I do with those three items? Are there any other ways without waiting for the end of those auction?
I mistaken it was all BIN(Buy it now)'s items.What should I do that now I bidding the three items. Is there a way I just waithing for finish the auction?
申し訳ありません、...all of the are..のtheは"them"の入力ミスです。お手数ですがご訂正をお願いいたします。