
[インドネシア語から英語への翻訳依頼] Perayaan Tahun Baru Zaman Dulu Seperti kita ketahu, tradisi perayaan tahun b...

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activetestによる依頼 2014/09/02 16:20:59 閲覧 4257回
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Perayaan Tahun Baru Zaman Dulu

Seperti kita ketahu, tradisi perayaan tahun baru di beberapa negara terkait dengan ritual keagamaan atau kepercayaan mereka—yang tentu saja sangat bertentangan dengan Islam. Contohnya di Brazil. Pada tengah malam setiap tanggal 1 Januari, orang-orang Brazil berbondong-bondong menuju pantai dengan pakaian putih bersih. Mereka menaburkan bunga di laut, mengubur mangga, pepaya dan semangka di pasir pantai sebagai tanda penghormatan terhadap sang dewa Lemanja—Dewa laut yang terkenal dalam legenda negara Brazil.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/02 16:52:39に投稿されました
The New Year Celebration of The Past

As we know, tradition of New Year Celebration in several countries are related to their religious rituals or beliefs—which of course is very contrary with Islam. For example in Brazil. At midnight on the 1st January, Brazilian people flocked to beaches with clean white clothes. They are laying flowers in the sea, burying mango, papaya and watermelon on beach as a mark of respect to the God Lemanja—The Sea God which is famous in Brazil's legend.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/02 16:46:11に投稿されました
Ancient New Year's Eve

As we've known, the tradition of new year's eve celebration in some countries is closely related to religious or beliefs rites--which is of course contrary to Islam. Brazil, for an example. People gather in droves at midnight on January 1st, walking toward beaches while having dressed in white. They sow flowers on the shore, bury mangoes, papayas and watermelon under beach sand as a symbol of worship for Lemanja--a popular sea god in Brazilian legend.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/02 16:30:31に投稿されました
The celebration of New Year in the past

As we know, traditional new year celebration in some countries linked to religious rituals or beliefs-which of course is contrary to Islam. For example, in Brazil. At midnight every January 1, Brazilian people flocked to beaches with clean white clothes. They are laying flowers in the sea, burying mango, papaya and watermelon on beach sand as a sign of respect for the god Lemanja-famous of the sea god in the legend of the Brazilian state.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/09/02 16:45:47に投稿されました
Ancient New Year Celebration

As we have known, new year celebration tradition in several countries associated with religious rituals or beliefs - which is contradictory to Islam. For example in Brazil. On January 1st midnight, Brazilians head to the beach with white clothes. They send off flowers to the sea, bury mangoes, papayas, and water melons on the beach as a respect to the god Lemanja - a Sea God in Brazilian legend.



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