[中国語(繁体字)から英語への翻訳依頼] OS : 新北市,一個新興且充滿活力的新都會 OS:高度發展的特性,使得摩天大樓和許多現代化建築聳立在新北市 各個地區 OS:新北市擁有多元...

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markharding63による依頼 2014/02/04 09:23:12 閲覧 2749回
残り時間: 終了

OS : 新北市,一個新興且充滿活力的新都會





評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/02/04 11:36:13に投稿されました
OS: New Taipei City, an emerging and energetic metropolitan.

OS: Featuring highly developed, many skyscrapers and modern architectures are towering across New Taipei City.

OS: New Taipei City is full of a variety of natural landscapes, land area covering 2,052 square kilometers, main rivers including Tamsui River, Keelung River, Xindian River, and Dahan River, diversified topography with magnificent mountains and broad coast.

OS: 221 rivers are assessed as potential debris flow torrents, mainly clustered in the mountain areas of Ruifang, Shuangxi, Sanxia, and Xindian Districts.

OS: New Taipei City has beautiful scenery with nice hills and waters, newly towering high-rise buildings, the most complex and diversified geographic environments, and nearly 4 million population top the country, which derive many potential crises.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/02/04 12:16:38に投稿されました
OS:New Taipei City, a new city of emerging and fully-energetic.

OS:Because if its highly developing characteristic, Skyscrapers or modern buildings stood in all the districts of the city.

OS: The New Taipei City holds multiple scenic beauty , with the dimension of 2052 kilometers squares. There are Rivers of Tamsui, Keelung, Xindian and Dahan in the area, the configuration includes magnificent mountains and extensive ocean.

OS: The 221 of mud-flows and potential debris flow torrent are centralized in the Districts of Ruifang, Shuangxi, Sanxia, and Xindian, etc.

OS: There are beautiful mountains and quality water, novelty modern high building and multiple, complicated geography environment. The population of 4 million is almost the highest density of the nation, and this also caused some potential crisis in the future.



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