[Translation from English to Chinese (Simplified) ] Conyac for Business PowerPoint file upload - new key to successful presentati...

This requests contains 1433 characters . It has been translated 4 times by the following translators : ( secangel , felicityjiang ) and was completed in 19 hours 41 minutes .

Requested by una_any at 26 Feb 2013 at 15:46 5135 views
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Conyac for Business PowerPoint file upload - new key to successful presentations
Text file (.txt) and PowerPoint (.pptx) uploads now supported

Presenting ideas, goals and strategies is part of everyday business. Whether you speak in front of formal audiences on a regular basis, or you simply have to make your voice heard in a meeting, you're using presentation skills. Communicating with the management, colleagues and clients is natural in every business environment. We polish our skills on daily basis, as great presenters are not born, but taught.

There are three key factors that make great presentations memorable:
- Suitable visual aid (e.g. PowerPoint presentation)
- Relaxed and confident speech
- Clear message

Rating 53
Translation / Chinese (Simplified)
- Posted at 27 Feb 2013 at 11:07
康雅克商务翻译(Conyac for Business)PPT文件上传——演示成功的新通道


- 适当的视觉辅助(例如:PPT演示)
- 放松以及自信的演说
- 明确的信息
Rating 50
Translation / Chinese (Simplified)
- Posted at 26 Feb 2013 at 23:49
Conyac 商业翻译 上传 PowerPoint 文件——成功演说的新关键
现在支持文本文件 (.txt) 与 PowerPoint 文件 (.pptx) 的上传


- 合适的视觉辅助(例如 PowerPoint 演说)
- 轻松自信的说词
- 明晰的信息

But what if you need to prepare a presentation for your clients from another country? International business is always though, but with the help of our translators you can easily impress clients with a presentation in their own language. Presenters who engage with their audience well typically become calmer and more composed. Our team of experienced and verified translators is here to ensure you have enough time to focus on rehearsing your speech while they translate your slides.

anydooR Inc. is giving away free translation credit to the first 50 companies that register with Conyac for Business and send an email request with their username to info@any-door.com.

Translate your presentation today > and for free!

Rating 53
Translation / Chinese (Simplified)
- Posted at 27 Feb 2013 at 11:27

anydooR股份有限公司将免费赠送翻译点数给注册康雅克商务翻译(Conyac for Business)的前50家公司,并将其请求连同其用户名发送电子邮件至info@any-door.com。

今天就翻译你的演说> 并且免费!
Rating 50
Translation / Chinese (Simplified)
- Posted at 26 Feb 2013 at 23:58

anydooR Inc. 正在向前 50 家在 Conyac 商业翻译注册的公司发放免费的翻译点数,只需将用户名通过邮件发送到 info@any-door.com 即可。

今天就翻译您的演说 > 免费的!


Try “Standard Translation” for specialized translation such as business purpose.

  • We can receive files such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • There is no maximum word limit, and we deliver translations fast.
  • Higher-skilled translators will work on your request.

Feel free to contact