Zachery Kayser (zkayser)

10年弱前 男性 30代
英語 (ネイティブ) 日本語


Law [英語 ≫ 日本語]



 ABC株式会社(以下「ABC」という)とXYZ, Inc.(以下「XYZ」という)は、2014年6月30日付締結の「データ収集・保存・分析サービスの共同事業に関する契約書」(ABC管理番号YJ14-0029414。以下「原契約」という)につき、以下のとおり覚書(以下「本覚書」という)を締結する。本覚書は、本覚書締結日より効力を生じるものとする。


「本サービス」とは、「ABCクラウド 分析クラウドサービス」の商品名で提供されるデータ分析サービスをいい、基本サービスおよび個別サービスを含む概念をいう。












 This memorandum (hereinafter, "the Memorandum") is made and entered into by and between ABC Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "ABC") and XYZ, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "XYZ") as follows with respect to the "Data Collection, Storage, and Analysis Joint Venture Agreement" (ABC reference number YJ14-0029414. Hereinafter referred to as "the Original Agreement") entered into on June 30th, 2014. The Memorandum shall take effect from its date of execution.

Section 1 (Modifications to the Original Agreement)

Section 1, Item 13 of the Original Agreement shall be modified as follows. (Modifications are underlined)
"The Service" shall refer to the data analysis service provided under the product name, "ABC Cloud — Analytical Cloud Service", and its concepts, including base service and personalized service.
“The Service” shall refer to the data analysis service provided under the product name of “ABC Big Data Insight”, and its concepts, including base service and personalized service. Provided, however, that when the aforementioned product name is modified, all written instances of “ABC Big Data Insight” in this Agreement shall be taken to mean the modified product name.

Section 2, Paragraph 2 of the Original Agreement shall be modified as follows. (Modifications are underlined)
ABC shall bear the following responsibilities in order to achieve the goals set forth in the preceding paragraph:

Engaging in sales and marketing activities of the Service (including entering into agreements by and between resellers and clients concerning provision of the Service).
Providing primary support.
ABC shall bear the following responsibilities in order to achieve the goals set forth in the preceding paragraph:

Engaging in sales and marketing activities of the Service (including sales of the Service to resellers).
Providing primary support (including causing resellers to provide primary support).

Section 3, Paragraph 6 of the Original Agreement shall be modified as follows. (Modifications are underlined)
ABC and XYZ shall, upon separate discussion, make and enter into a Memorandum regarding security measures for the Service (including, but not limited to, the conducting of vulnerability tests) by the final day of September, 2014.
ABC and XYZ shall, upon separate discussion, make and enter into a Memorandum regarding security measures for the Service (including, but not limited to, the conducting of vulnerability tests) by the final day of November, 2014.

Section 4, Paragraph 3 of the Original Agreement shall be modified as follows. (Modifications are underlined)
In cases in which ABC sells the Service to a reseller, the sale price shall be an amount equivalent to 85% of the suggested retail price established in accordance with Item 2 above.
In cases in which ABC sells the Service to a reseller, the sale price shall be an amount equivalent to 85% of the suggested retail price established in accordance with Item 2 above. Provided, however, that ABC may modify the sale price with the written consent (including written consent expressed through electronic mail) of XYZ, if and only if the reseller is endowed with special circumstances.

Section 9, Paragraph 4 of the Original Agreement shall be modified as follows. (Modifications are underlined)
If a client has expressed consent, ABC and XYZ may audit the data which is collected, stored, and analyzed along with said client's usage of the Service.
If a client has expressed understanding, ABC and XYZ, in conjunction with said client's reseller, may audit the data which is collected, stored, and analyzed along with said client's usage of the Service.

Section 21, Paragraph 1 of the Original Agreement shall be modified as follows. (Modification are underlined)
This agreement shall be valid from the date of execution hereof until July 31, 2016.
This agreement shall be valid from the date of execution hereof until August 31, 2016.

Section 2 (Launch Date of the Service)

In regard to "The Launch Date of the Service" established in Section 1, Item 14 of the Original Agreement, ABC and XYZ acknowledge that (1) the launch date of the Service is August 1, 2014, and (2) the launch date of the Service indicates the date on which shall be established the timing of the partial advanced payment of dividends as per Section 8, Paragraph 6 of the Original Agreement, and does not indicate the date on which sales of the Service will actually commence.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum to be executed in duplicate, by affixing their signatures and/or registered seals, and each party shall retain one (1) copy thereof respectively.

September 30, 2014