I have a quick confirmation.You haven't sent the record yet, have you?I received an e-mail saying that You had just sent the record to Pasadena. Since the Pasadena will only be there until the end of this month, I thought You might have sent it to Pasadena, that’s why I’m confirming.
서울특별시 용산구 한강대로 69 (한강로2가, 용산푸르지오써밋) 101-3101
Seoul, Yongsan District, Han-gang Street 69 ( Han-gang ro 2, Yougsan Prugio Summit) 101-3101
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日替わりの新鮮資材をご提供します※詳しくは別紙をご覧ください本日のお刺身3種盛り合わせ(2~3名様向け)本日のお刺身5種盛り合わせ(3~4名様向け)本日のお刺身7種盛り合わせ(5名様~向け)本日のおすすめ鮮魚お刺身・石巻漁港直送お刺身色々石巻雄勝産 生牡蠣 生ハム&カニ盛らっきょう甘酢漬クラゲ酢干し明太子鯖へしこ炙り珍味3種盛り鯛わた塩辛梅水晶この中から1つ選んでください※これらは食べ放題ではありません「一人一鍋」は1種類、「みんなで大鍋」は2種類選べます
일일의 신선한 자재를 제공합니다.※ 자세한 내용은 별지를 보십시오.오늘 회 3종 모듬(2~3분용)오늘 회 5종 모듬(3~4분용)오늘 회 7종 모듬(5분~용)오늘의 추천 생선 회·이시노마키 어항 직송 회 여러가지이시노마키 오가치산 생 굴 생햄&게 모리라쯔키요우 감초지해파리 식초북어 아이고등어에 잘 쬐다진미 3종 때도미 살젓갈우메 미즈키이 중에서 1 가지를 선택하십시오.※이들은 뷔페가 아닙니다."한 사람 한 냄비"는 1종류,"모두 냄비"는 2종류 선택할 수 있습니다.
こんにちは私はFreeeupをはじめて使っています。まだ使い方をよく理解していないので教えてください。Status: Accepted となっているものは、仕事は進行しているのですか?仕事が完了したらFreelancerから連絡を貰えますか?Status: Closedとなっているのは、一人もStatus: Closedを紹介してもらえませんでした。仕事ができる人がいなかった、ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
Hello.I’m using Freeeup for the first time.I haven’t found out how to use this, so please tell me about it.Is the work progressing if it is announced ‘Status: Accepted’ ?Can I get the contact from the Freelancer, when the work is finished?I couldn’t get referred when it’s annouced ‘Status: Closed’ .Does this mean that there was no one to work with? Thank you.
Learning about an occupation from various perspectives.A Lesson acknowledging “Active Learning”.It has high binding affinity to CGK approach, since it is a subject to do with the most free ideas. Introducing outside activities proactively.Attach weight on the ability to think and to inquire, more than the language ability.Learn related words and phrases to that job, as practicing a role-play.Learn new words and phrases you won’t know in your daily lessons and daily life.Through the job, learn about the rules of living-life and a society.Extend the range of your free-play.
最も大事にする。知的探究心を刺激する為、子どもたちが楽しく取り組める内容。Field Trip(園外学習)も出来るとなお「探究心」が育まれて良いので、積極的に導入する。子どもたちの理解に応じてレッスンを構成していく必要がある為、以下のようなフローも良い。①映像や写真等を用いて、直感的にその仕事を理解し、深く興味が持てるようサポート。
To value the most. Contents will spark their intellectual curiosity, so that children will work with enjoyment.Field Trip will help the children to bring up their curiosity, so we will introduce it proactively.To establish a lesson that follow the understanding of children, the following types of flow is to help.① With videos and images, support them to understand that job intuitively, and to have deep interest in that.