In regards to the change in manufacturing process, at the moment there is no plan to change the current system.However, the packing needs to be changed.If the packaging is properly done, there will be no oxidation problem and the product will pass the customs clearance.Currently, our company is preparing all the necessary documents (revised registration form) to be submitted to the customs to ensure the clearance process for imported goods inspection will be hassle free.As for your company, kindly prepare an equipment that will produce a good packaging.Once you have prepared the equipment, please contact us.We are planning to go to Vietnam and once confirmed, we will inform you.
1.とても面白そうな話をありがとうございます。"Thathard Network yet" については私は知りませんが私の曲でよければ使用して下さい。私に何か協力できることがあれば教えて下さいね。2.連絡遅くなってすみません。コラボレーションにはとても興味を持っています。今コラボレーションする予定が入っておりすぐにはできませんが機会があったら是非コラボレーションしてみたいですね。私はロジックを使用してます。
1. Thank you for the interesting topic. I don't know about "Thathard Network yet", but if my music is good enough for you, then please feel free to use it. If there's anything that I can help you further, kindly let me know.2. I am sorry for my late reply. I am really interested with the collaboration. However, currently I already have a collaboration plan, so I won't be able to work on another one in near time. In future if there is another opportunity for us to do a collaboration, I would like to do it. Currently I am using logic software.