本日届きました。とても良い状態のものを送って頂いて商品も気に入っています。リリアンにはいつも迅速に対応してもらい感謝しています。在庫と値段とサイズ展開を聞きたいとアイテムがあります。添付画像のアイテムになります。このブレスレットの4mm 8mm 12mmの在庫と値段とサイズ展開を教えてください。お返事お待ちしています。
I arrived today.I also like the product you are sending me stuff in very good condition.I appreciate asked to respond quickly to always Lillian.There are items you want to hear the size expansion and price and stock.It is an item in the attached image.Please tell me the size and deployment price and stock of 4mm 8mm 12mm of this bracelet.Look forward to your reply.
ご連絡遅くなり申し訳ありません。現在の近況と今後の予定をお伝えするためにメールしました。私は現在UCLAのコースに参加するため、7月からLAに滞在しております。UCLAでは"USA Law"と"The Trading System"の二つのコースに参加しています。前者のコースでは連邦憲法に始まり、民事訴訟法、契約法など米国の基本的な法体系・法制度を学び、後者のコースではWTOの紛争解決例を学んでいます。UCLAでの講義は今週16日に終了します。
Communication becomes slow and is sorry. I e-mailed it to tell you about the current present condition and a future plan. I stay in LA from July to participate in the course of the UCLA now. I participate in two courses of "USALaw" and "TheTradingSystem" in the UCLA. It begins in a federal constitution in the course of the former, and U.S.A. including the Civil Proceedings Act, contract method is basic I learn jurisprudence / a legal system and learn a dispute solution example of WTO in the course of the latter. The lecture in the UCLA is finished this week on 16th.
Social work is natural business in U.S.A., but it is apt to seem like the volunteer of the good will (gratis) the strong people of the sense of justice gather in Japan, and to perform. There is surely a lot of such active people gratis. But I can't think that then activity spreads very much. After all I pay a reasonable salary to the talented person that an act is excellent for business and think that most gathering donations may contribute more. I am convinced of studying it in SSU not only I learn English and a business skill when it is the good environment that can hear the problem of the country by interchange with the person of other countries.
I become the organization solving disproportion of global food of [the developed country where food remains] and [the developing country where food is insufficient]. I am different from an American in doing a thing and a volunteer raising funds as one of I come to U.S.A., and having thought, and the Japanese is that there is some resistance. I think whether there is difference between the religion, but feeling embarrassed precedes it even if I want to do it by oneself. However, contribution to society was epoch-making without what resistance at the point that it was possible for because it was one's sake to choose this Special Menu.