遂に北海道で開催決定!! ATTACK ALL AROUND10(展)札幌パルコにて開催決定!!DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 ”FEVER”大宮公演札幌公演新潟公演終了しましたどの公演もすごく楽しかったです大宮公演は始まる前からステージ裏に皆さんのワクワクやドキドキが届いてきてる感じがしましたねLIVEを楽しみにしててくれたんだなというのが伝わってきてすごく嬉しかったです
Finally in Hokkaido! ATTACK ALL AROUND 10 (exhibition) to be held at Sapporo Parco!DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 "FEVER"Omiya PerformanceSapporo PerformanceNiigata PerformanceThese performances have closed.They were all very good.At the Omiya performance, we could feel everyone's excitement backstage even before the performance started.We could tell that the audience had been looking forward to the live performance and that made us very happy.
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