Baidu came up with a digital content marketplace where educational service providers can sell video courses and other educational digital content as well. Chuanke, an independent online course marketplace founded in late 2011, has received funding from Baidu. It is reported that Tencent approached the company earlier for a potential acquisition. There was a wave of investments and acquisitions in the first half of 2013.
Baiduは、教育関係サービスの供給会社が、ビデオ講座および他の教育関連デジタルコンテンツも含めた販売が可能となるデジタルコンテンツの市場を考案した。2011年末に創設の、独立のオンライン講座市場ChuankeはBaidu より資金調達を得ていた。リポートによると、Tencentは買収の可能性を考慮してChuankeに話を持ちかけた。2013年上期には投資と買収の波が訪れた。
My fellow participant Katharina Wendelstadt, who has a background in history and work experience in the mobile industry, explains why: “As I am not an expert, I can ask silly or simple questions and actually they may seem so obvious that the scientists in our team had not thought of them, but helped us to refine the product.”
一緒に参加したKatharina Wendelstadtは歴史が専門で携帯電話業界での経験をもっているが、つぎのように説明している。「私は専門家ではありませんから、ばかばかしい質問やら単純なことをきくこともあります。実際、私たちのグループの科学者たちは、私の考えるようなことは思いつきもしなかったのは明らかかもしれません。しかしながら、そのばかばかしい疑問が製品の向上に役立ったのです。」
I just want to inform you, that I have great problems to get the M in time. I purchased M for € 6.500 three weeks ago, to have enough M on stock, also for you. Today B told me, a part will leave only tomorrow, but they can not say exactly how much and the rest in 2 weeks. Hopefully I will receive the first part this week to be able to ship to you immediately. I am very sorry, but it seems, B has actually big problems as they sell very much. For the future we need to have a bigger stock, to be able to ship faster. I will do my best and also invest more money, but please help also you and order as soon as possible. Myself I only have here about 20 boxes left for my customers - a disaster.