私は、日本に、住んで居ますが、この日本でも、将来的に、複数のお店を出す事、等も全く考えていません。特別な1店舗が作れれば、それが理想です。私は、短期間で、消費される流行りを作る事に、全く興味が有りません。それらは、私がやらなくても、大勢の人達が、行っている仕事なので、わざわざ、私が動く必要は、有りません。私は、20年後も、私が作った物を誰かが探すような物を作りたいと常に考えています。 私は、時代を超える物を作る。
I live in Japan. I am not thinking of opening more than one shop in the future.If I could create one special shop, that would be ideal.I am not interested in creating a trend that will be consumed in a short period of time.I don't need to do it, because a lot of people are doing it, so I don't need to make a move.I always want to make things that people will still be looking for in 20 years' time. I make things that transcend time.
B08WRV4C7G について質問です添付を見て下さい5月31日からVATが徴収されていますこれはなぜですか?こちら書籍カテゴリですのでVATが徴収されるのは誤りです修正の方法を教えてください
I have a question about B08WRV4C7G.Please see attached.VAT is being collected from May 31.Why is this being collected?This is a book category, so it is wrong that VAT is collected.Please tell me how to fix it.
それぞれの国で、礼儀正しい行動というものがある。アメリカでは、・次の人のためにドアを開けて待つ。・レストランで大きな声でウェイターを呼ばない。日本では、・家に入るときは靴を脱ぐ・電車を待っているときに整列して並ぶ。などがある。それぞれの国の文化や習慣で、礼儀正しさの定義は異なる。しかし、世界共通して以下の点に配慮することが、礼儀正しさと考える。 • 人に迷惑をかけない • 失礼な態度を避ける • 他者を思いやる
Every country has each courtesies.In the USA,- Keep Opening a door for next person.- Do not call a waiter in a loud voice at a restaurant.In Japan,- Take off shoes in a house.- Stand in a line when people are waiting for a train.The definition of appropriate country is different depend on each country's culture and the custom.- Do not put somebody to trouble.- Do not to be rude to somebody.- Be thoughtful for others.
海外で販売すると言う難しさを身を持って痛感いたしました。Amazon様には多かれ少なかれお世話になった事、大変感謝しています。ありがとうございました。^ ^
I really learnt the difficulty to sell in foreign countries.I am very thankful that I had a support from Amazon.Thank you very much.
Himanshu様こんにちは。大石 美光です。メールを頂きましてありがとうございました。アカウント削除の件、了解しました。現在、ログイン出来る状態ですが、このままで良いのですね。宜しくお願いします。
Dear HimanshuHi, I am Oishi 美光.Thank you for your email. I got the suspension of account.It allows to log in though, is it fine to leave as it is ?Thank you in advance.
I watched your contents on YouTube. Such a lovely baby ! Are the puppet A and B available? Is it possible to be sent immediately? And also, how much is the sipping cost? I am now thinking of buying them. lastly, is it possible to get discounted price if I buy many puppets? I am sorry that I am asking many questions. I am looking forward to receiving good response.
does it have the sticker on the packageamazonのステッカーのことでしょうか?商品は、緩衝材で包んであります。ステッカーは緩衝材の上に貼ってあるので直に商品にステッカーは貼っていません。
does it have the sticker on the packageIs it about sticker of amazon?The product is covered by buffer material. The sticker is attached on the buffer material, so it is not sticked to the product itself.
6/18(木) 札幌「music」発売記念イベントの開催が決定!6/18(木) 札幌「music」発売記念イベント開催が決定!三浦大知 “music”発売記念イベント開催日時:2015年6月18日(木)17:00~(16:30集合)場所:タワーレコード札幌ピヴォ店内容:ミニライブ&握手会出演:三浦大知
6/18 (Thu) 'music' launching event was decided to happen at Sapporo!6/18 (Thu) 'music' launching event was decided to happen at Sapporo!DAICHI MIURA "music" launching event Date: 6/18 (Thu) from17:00 (16:30 open)Venue: Tower Records Sapporo PIVOContents: Live and shaking hands communication Artist: DAICHI MIURA
*イベント当日は必ず係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従っていただけない場合、イベントへのご参加をお断りすることがございます。*都合によりイベント内容変更や中止がある場合がございます。予めご了承ください。問い合わせ先:タワーレコード札幌ピヴォ店 tel:011-241-3851
*Please follow the direction from staffs on the day of event. If you could not follow the direction, your attendance might be refused. *There might be a suspension or change of contents of events.Contact: Tower Recourd Sapporo PIVO Tel: 011-241-3851
*The reserved CD will be given at only Tower Records Sapporo PIVO. Please aware that your request that receiving at other place, and delivering will be accepted.Notice:*The CD will not be reserved and kept except the reservation period.*One ticket of the event can be changed by a purchased CD.* The Elected consumer who have a lottery ticket, can join in the event.(The standing sheet is only available on the event day)
参加方法:タワーレコード札幌ピヴォ店にて6月17日(水)発売(商品入荷は6月16日(火)お昼以降)の「music」のMusic Video盤<CD+DVD>(AVCD-16529/B)、Choreo Video盤<CD+DVD>(AVCD-16530/B)、CDのみ(AVCD-16531)のいずれか1枚を6月11日(木)開店時(10時)から6月14日(日)閉店時(20時)までの期間中に、
How to join:Please make a reservation of "music" launching 6/17 (Wed). (arrive at shop at afternoon)The following purchase will be changed to a lottery ticket including lottery number at a counter from 6/14 (Sun) 10:00 to 20:00 by order of arrival.Music Video: CD+DVD (AVCD-16529/B) Choreo Video: CD+DVD (AVCD-16530/B) Music Video: CD+DVD (AVCD-16529/B) at a counter of Tower Records Sapporo PIVODAICHI MIURA "music" launching event Date: 6/18 (Thu) from17:00 (16:30 open)Venue: Tower Records Sapporo PIVOContents: Live and shaking hands communication Artist: DAICHI MIURA
The following purchase will be changed to a lottery ticket including lottery number at a counter from 6/14 (Sun) 10:00 to 20:00 by order of arrival.To consumer who have the lottery ticket, the winning number will be announced on online site and Tower Records Sapporo PIVO at 12:00 p.m. on 6/16 (Tue) .The ticket for joining the event can be changed by the lottery ticket.(The ticket can be changed at Information counter from 10:00 to16:15 on the day of event.)
*Please bring the lottery ticket who can be transferable to the actual ticket.*The ticket cannot be published by the case of lost and theft.*The CD cannot be return except inferior goods.*Recording/shooting movie and photograph is prohibited during the event.*It is prohibited to stay all-night at the venue.