Please give me a discount on shipping fees by packing them together.They are such cute items, and I can't wait to receive them.I have been waiting for your reply.How has the arrangement been going?Kindly replace the item with another.I am keeping my clients waiting, so I hope to hear from you soon.I am delighted!I hope to have a deal with you again, if possible.
②return shipping fee:##.## USDservice charge for Spear net company:#.## USDcustody charge of Spear net company:##.## USDmail service charge:#.## USDTotal amount:###.## USDI hope we can resolve this peaceful and smooth. Thank you very much.It will be appreciate if you can response as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,LucyPayPal Global ServicesPayPal, an eBay CompanyCopyright &####; ####-#### PayPal. All rights reserved.Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal&#####; payment service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.
② 返送にかかる郵送料金:USD ##.##Spear net company負担サービス料金:USD ##.##Spear net company負担保管料金:USD ##.##メールサービス料金:USD ##.##合計:USD ##.##我々では本件の平和的解決を望んでいます。お礼申し上げます。早急にご回答を頂ければ幸いです。以上よろしくお願い致します。ルーシーPayPal グローバルサービスPayPal - eBay Company著作権 &####, ####-#### PayPal. All rights reserved.お客様への勧告:PayPal&#####を保有するプリペイメントサービス企業PayPal Pte Ltdは、シンガポール金融管理庁の許可を必要としないものとする。消費者(ユーザー)には、利用規約と条件項目に注意深く目を通して頂くようここに勧告する。
I live in Japan, but can I purchase your items?I am now considering whether to buy this item or not.How about insurance coverage for the shipping items? If you can arrange to send the item directly to Japan, how much will it be in total, including the item and shipping fees? Please let me know.
CHAPTER 10-5Try to raise their expectations, but understand that not all employees are equally gifted. Accept mistakes As you move toward giving authority to those who are closest to the customers, closest to the work, you will find that you may feel a little insecure about giving that authority away. That feeling is good. Rec9gnize that your employees will make mistakes, especially in the beginning. Mistakes are OK. As time goes on and their experience deepens, mistakes will become less frequent, and you will have more capable and more productive employees.
I think that from a historical perspective, understanding that debt is amoral -- that's it's not good or bad, but depends on the situation is very important. So much of the discussion of the financial crisis has been in these moral terms, of greed and people are what people are. Bankers have always been greedy. The question is why do we let them hae all our money to play with? Certianly in the last year you have an increased sense of, oh, people are concerned again about inequality. For me the essential question is: How did inequality produce indebtedness? I talk about how the people at the top were not willing to pay people at the bottom wages, but they were willing to lend them money.
思うに、歴史的観点上では、負債が道徳観念のないもの - 善悪で隔てることができないもの - であり、それは状況次第であるということを理解することが重要なのである。経済危機に関する多くの討議はこれら論理にそったもので、貧欲性かつ人々そのものを示している。銀行員はいつの時代も強欲である。問題であるのは、なぜ我々は我々の財産を彼らに手渡し玩ばせるのか、というところにある。もちろん過去1年であなたは、人々はまたもや不当性について案じているという感覚を増大させたであろう。私にとっての非常に重要な疑問とは:不当性がどのようにして負債を作り出したのか、ということである。高所得の類に当てはまる人々が低所得の類に当てはまる人々に対して金銭面における手助けをする気はないということを私は述べているが、それら高所得の人々は喜んで金の用立ては行うのである。
Thank you for your email about the matter. I have been informed by our product manager that Filofax has discontinued the Chocolate color, which is why the Black Finchley was sent. We apologize for any dissatisfaction that you may have experienced. If you would like to send it back, you may do so. I can email you a return label for the item, and we would issue a refund upon its arrival back to our facility, unless you would like to keep it.Please let us know how you prefer to proceed, and if you have any additional inquiries or concerns that we can assist with.
Very good day to you, Mr. / Ms. ★.Thank you for your prompt message.I will import this item,◎, to Japan via a forwarder in the U.S. I arranged for the same when I purchased your item on eBay. All you have to do is to send this item, ◎, to the forwarder in Florida. Can you ship it out to the following address?I am looking forward to receiving your favorable reply.Thank you for your kind arrangement.
Fairly narrow for a snug fit, but a roomy tip for toe movement and high comfort. Very flexible uppers and foot support allow great foot-roll when trad walking. It's bi-density reinforced for much better shock-damping and flex. The tip turn-up is accentuated for great foot-roll when walking and natural interior comfort. And most of all, the calf-tendon attachment is much lower. A bit more room is needed for the comfort of heel and calf, which starts in the boot. This boot's made for really enjoying the mountains, as in this test session.
I would like to purchase it as soon when we are done with our negotiation on the price. Kindly send me a quotation including shipping fees and delivery date.Additionally, is it better for me to send you a request directly by email like this should I need more items in the future?
先日、ebayよりcobra exhaustを購入した。。と言います。商品、御社の対応ともに非常に満足しています。私は日本でバイク・トライクショップを経営しています。アメリカでパーツの仕入先を探しているのですが、今後御社と直接取引で色々なパーツを卸売してもらうことは可能ですか?kuryaken、Cobra,Akrapovicなど、様々な商品を仕入れたいです。可能でしたら、どれくらい値引きしてもらえるか、送料、その場合の発注方法など詳しく教えてください。
I am (名前) who purchased cobra exhaust from you on eBay.I am very much satisfied with both your items and services.I have a bike / trike shop in Japan.I am currently looking for a supplier in the U.S. Will your shop be able to sell me various parts on a direct deal basis?I would like parts such as kuryaken, Cobra and Akrapovic.If the above deal can be arranged between us, please let me know details like how much discount you can offer, shipping fees and procedures for ordering.
It is a public holiday in Japan today. It was a national holiday in Japan yesterday, so I was off work. We are closed on 〇.Many apologies for the late reply.We have sold many of these items in the past. We have never had any complaints about the item before. However, there have been some queries with regards to the functionality and features. Please let us know what you want, and we will try our best to solve the problem for you.
CHAPTER 1-3Far too often we act in a way that we believe others want us to act. If you allow yourself to fall into this trap, you are being dishonest. And by living dishonestly, you will find that those who are following your lead will live dishonestly as well. Perhaps you will discover that some-things are important to you that you consider less than satisfactory. This is your opportunity to change your guiding principles. Perhaps you see your role as a boss as simply making people do what you want or you find that you work simply because you need to have the money. If you truly feel that way and don't like it, reprioritize your life. Remind yourself of the values that you aspire to have in your life.
CHAPTER 1-2Principles To demonstrate good leadership, you must have sound principles. What do you value? There is a simple exercise that will get you in touch with your core values. The exercise was designed by Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Sit back with a pencil and paper, and imagine that you are at your funeral. Imagine that three people are going to speak at your funeral service. One is a coworker, one a family member and one a very close friend. Write out what you would like for them to say about you. When you are finished writing, you will have an idea about the values that you hold dear. Compare them with the way that you are currently living.
CHAPTER 1-1To be a truly great leader, you need first to understand what leading involves. To lead means "to show the way for or to set the course for employees by going before or along with them." You are guided by your principles. They chart the course of your life. As a leader, you are to take your employees in a specific direction. The things that you live out are the very things that those who follow you will begin to exhibit in their lives. If you are ruthless, you will begin to see ruthless behavior in employees. If you are fair, you will begin to see similar behavior in employees.
It is to my understanding that you need jackets in big size, but can I assume that the size L is big enough for you? This is because the jackets of this brand in L size are about the same as jackets from other brands in XL. It will not be a good idea to place an order of jackets in XL size as the biggest size customers ask for are in L. Also, I cannot purchase all remaining 10 T-shirts in stock. However, I would like to purchase half of them. Is it possible? In that instance, how much will you sell them to me?
怒りと憎しみの切っ先をはらい、血で濡らしたどりついた少女はもう、こわされた魂で微笑んだ。Sweeping off the points of anger and hatred, the girl was led to here with bloodstains, but she gives a smile with a broken soul.最後の一振りを少女に。The final swing - it shall be given to the girl.泣くことも忘れてた。Even forgetting to cry.空腹を思い出してた。And now, realizing the hunger. 痛みなら少年もありのままを確かに感じてるThe boy is feeling the pain too, feeling the dry facts by all odds.__お話は、ここで終わり。_The story ends here.ある時代のある場所の物語__It is the story of a certain time in a certain place_
パンを抱いて逃げる途中、すれ違う行列の中の美しい少女に目を奪われ立ちつくす。Fleeing with a bread in his arms, he was captivated by a beautiful girl in the passing crowd and stood stock still.遠い町から売られてきたのだろう。She must have been sold from the distant town.うつむいているその瞳には涙が。There are tears in her downcast eyes. 金持ちの家を見とどけたあと叫びながら、ただ走る。After seeing through a house of the rich, he just ran as he kept screaming.清らかな、その身体に穢れた手が触れているのか。Have unclean hands been touching that pure body?少年に力はなく、少女には思想を与えられず。The boy has no strength to provide some of his thoughts to the girl.「神様がいるとしたら、なぜ僕らだけ愛してくれないのか」"If there was a god, why would he not just love us, only us?"夕暮れを待って剣を盗んだ。He waited till the sunset to steal a sword.重たい剣を引きずる姿は、風と呼ぶには悲しすぎようHow he drags the heavy sword seems sad, far from being called the wind. カルマの坂を登る。 He now climbs a slope of karma.
- Next, on a productivity from January to March.- This graph shows productivity per person by category.- The categories are divided into groups by the size.
Of course, I do remember you! How have you been?Let me help you prepare for the convention.I can get some notes but how many do you need? I can get from 1 piece to 1000 pieces. * laughs *How about 100 coins in a set?I will send you a quotation for your desired quantity, if you let me know.I can get all the coin sets you requested me, but let me know also how many sets do you need for this.Other than above, sets of Tetsuwan Atom (Astro Boy) and Star Wars too are available.I will send you some tea as well when I send you the coins.
I would like to check with you about some points before placing my order.* If I receive something that is different from what I have ordered, will you accept my return request with the return shipping fees on you?* If the quantity received is smaller than what I have ordered, will you send the remaining items with the extra shipping fees on you? If not, will you refund me the amount for the quantity that has not been sent?* Will you be able to offer me the following at 20% OFF the original price?* Is it possible for me to visit your manufacturing factory?