yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

2. Ingo’s Face Logo

When Swedish ad agencies Grey Stockholm and Ogilvy Stockholm merged last year, they wanted to get social media fans involved. The two agencies asked fans to participate by signing into Facebook to see the new name. Every time new people logged on to the dedicated site, the logo added their profile picture. With every picture, the logo got a little bigger, until 2,890 fan photos comprised the full name, Ingo, over a four-hour period.

What you can learn from this: This was another inexpensive way to get fans literally enmeshed with the brand. Another alternative is to create a real-life mosaic based on pictures of your Facebook fans, a project that Mashable recently completed.



昨年、スウェーデンの広告代理店Grey StockholmとOgilvy Stockholmが統合した際、彼らはソーシャルメディアのファンにも彼らのプロジェクトに携わってもらおうと考えた。これら2社は、Facebookにサインインし新しい名前を見つけることで、このプロジェクトに参加するようファンに呼びかけた。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

3. BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota’s Human Doing

What better way to illustrate the plight of the common man than an actual common man? That was the thinking behind a BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota program last year that put Scott Jorgenson, a St. Paul resident, in a glass apartment in the Mall of America for a month. To demonstrate the recuperative effects of exercise, Jorgenson was put on a workout routine for the month that compelled him to exercise three to five times a day, in 10-minute spurts. In a social media twist, Twitter and Facebook followers dictated the type of exercise for each session.


3.BlueCross and BlueShield of Minnesotaの働いて生きる様 - Human Doing

平凡な人間の誓いを描く上で、実際に平凡な人間を用いる以上に良い方法などあるのだろうか?これが、昨年セントポール在住のScott Jorgenson氏を1ヶ月間、Mall of Americaにあるガラス製のアパートに閉じ込めることとなったBlueCross and BlueShield of Minnesotaにより行われたプログラムを支えた思想である。運動による回復力を示すため、Jorgenson氏は1ヶ月間、1日3回から5回、10分間の集中運動を組み込んだ運動課程をふんだ。ソーシャルメディア向けのひねりとして、TwitterとFacebookのフォロワーがこの運動課程における各セッションの運動の種類について指示を出した。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

5. Reinert Sausages’s Wurst-Face App

Another German brand, Reinert Sausages, transcended its roots with a clever Facebook app that let users upload their photo and receive a “Wurst Face,” a graven image of themselves in cold cuts. The name “Wurst Face” comes from the extra piece of sausage that kids get for free at the butcher.

What you can learn from this: If you can create an app that’s social, fun and brand-appropriate, it will function more effectively than even a high-budget ad campaign.

More Small Business Resources From OPEN Forum:

- The Quick and Dirty Guide to Tumblr for Small Business
- Community Managers Share Best Productivity Apps and Tools
- 5 Tips For Using LinkedIn’s Mobile Site


Reinert SausagesのWurst-Faceアプリ

もう1つのドイツのブランドReinert Sausagesは、ユーザーが写真をアップロードすると、「Wurst Face」と呼ばれるハムやソーセージの切られた面に写されたおかしな写真を受け取ることができるスマートなFacebookアプリによって、その根底を超越している。「Wurst Face」のネーミングは、肉屋で子供達が無料でもらうことができるソーセージの切れ端に由来する。


オープンフォーラム(OPEN Forum)からより多くの中小企業向けの情報を入手:

-中小企業向けTumblrの間に合わせガイド(The Quick and Dirty Guide to Tumblr for Small Business)
-コミュニティマネジャーがシェアする最も効果的なアプリとツール(Community Managers Share Best Productivity Apps and Tools)
-LinkedInのモバイルサイトを利用する上での5つのヒント(5 Tips For Using LinkedIn’s Mobile Site)

yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

原文 — 英語
An estimated 7,000 animals spend their days dodging traffic, looking for scraps and living -- and dying -- in the streets of Tijuana, Mexico.

While no data have been officially collected on the number of strays, Tijuana city officials and the local humane society have come up with an estimate of 1.4 million people from about 750,000 households -- from where about 1 percent have an animal that roams the street.

"There's an enormous population of street dogs and cats. They're just kind of running loose, spreading diseases. They suffer from tick-borne diseases very frequently," said Sarah LaMere, a veterinarian adviser to Friends of Humane Society de Tijuana.




「路上を徘徊する犬や猫の数は膨大である。それらは、いわゆる野放し状態で、病原菌をふりまいている。それらの犬猫は高い頻度でダニ媒介感染症にかかっている。」と、Friends of Humane Society de Tijuanaの獣医顧問であるSarah Lamere女史は述べた。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

The San Diego veterinarian says an all-volunteer nonprofit group of veterinarians and animal lovers from the U.S. and Mexico have joined together to spay, neuter and treat the forgotten dogs and cats.

"The group was formed to try to advocate humane euthanasia at city pounds and reduce the population of street animals," LaMere said.

In the past, the government dealt with the problem by rounding up the dogs and electrocuting them, she said. Her group has successfully lobbied to get the local pound to use painless lethal injections.

Napoleon has become a living example of what the two nonprofits can do together.






yakuok 英語 → 日本語

In Henry’s opinion, the reason why such licenses are being set up is (partly) to raise the barriers to entry for foreigners.

Protection for Innovation and Intellectual Property is Weak

In China, there is hardly any protection for innovation and intellectual property (IP). In fact, you would find that there is no protection for business models and user interfaces in the Internet businesses. We’ve seen a couple of cloning examples and undoubtedly the Internet has better facilitated the cloning process, where source codes could be easily ripped and copied from pages and apps.

So-called ‘copy-to-China’ is still the main business model of the China Internet market.






yakuok 英語 → 日本語

If there is a successful site or service in the West, it would be replicated, built, and localized in China. With such a well-oiled process in place, it makes it pointless for foreign companies to enter when their business models could be easily replicated in China.

Poor Partnerships

In most cases when a foreign company approaches a local company to set up a joint-venture, they approach with different agendas in mind. For the foreign companies, their main aim is to obtain the license and learn how to run a business in China. On the other hand, the local partners would want to obtain the transferable skills and learn the technology from their foreign partners.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

However, once they achieve their goal, they want each other out of the JV. The relationship and trust between the two partners weakens and breaks. So that is why some businesspeople say the JV is the kid that brings bad luck to the ‘marriage.’
Problems with being a Global Organisation

Often in big organisations, decision making tends to be very slow. They have to go through levels and levels of red tape before making a decision, which slows down the entire implementation process. This makes them less agile than most startups.

That aside, foreign Internet giants are always aiming to keep to global standards but fail to recognise that the China market itself is very different and fragmented.




