yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Cindy, could you share more about competitive collaboration, and how startups and the media industry can leverage on it moving forward?

Right now, we see so many industries engaging in ‘collaborative competition’ – where everyone in the sector competes with everyone else in the sector, by doing exactly the same thing everyone else in the sector is doing. I believe the future of business is about ‘competitive collaboration’. The new business reality is transparency, where everything a company does is potentially in the public domain, courtesy of the internet. This new transparency demands that companies be more open about their business dealings, to the world and each other.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

As you might expect, such an application doesn’t come cheap and this one is priced at $27.99. The developers note that they hope to have further additions to this app including veins and arteries. They also intend to create apps to illustrate the eating and swallowing process in the future as well.

If you’re a medical student, I imagine that DS Anatomy would certainly be worth the money. And if you’d like to try it our, it’s available right now in the app store.

In the past we have featured other iPad apps which are pushing the health 2.0 revolution forward. Readers may recall Dr. Kevin Lau’s ScolioTrack application, or our Startup Arena participant from back in February, Dr. Pad, from Taiwan.



医学生にとっては、DS Anatomyは充分価値のあるものだと言える。このアプリケーションを試してみたい読者は、アプリストアで今すぐ入手することができる。

過去にも我々は、Health 2.0の変革を前押しするその他のiPadアプリを取り上げてきた。読者は、Dr. Kevin LauのScolio Trackアプリケーションや、我々の2月のStartup Arenaの参加者だったDr. Padのことを覚えているのではないだろうか。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語


Now that you’ve gathered all the answers, it’s time to execute.

You’ll need to create actionable items based on your answers. Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you are selling high-end web hosting services for bloggers. Your ideal customers are obviously A-list bloggers who makes more money than others. You found out that they make their hosting decision based on what their fellow bloggers are using. And where do they hang out? A-list blogs, of course! Using all these information, your first most important actionable item would be getting at least one of the A-list blogger to use your hosting service, and try to spread the word through the blogger (reviews, tweets, exclusive discount, etc).





ブロガー向けに最高仕様のウェブホスティングサービスを販売するとしよう。自分が理想とする顧客は、他者よりも多く稼ぎがある最先端に立つブロガーの面々だということは明白である。彼らが、他のブロガーも使用しているからという理由でホスティングサービスを選択していることを発見したとしよう。彼らはいつもどこで集いやりとりをしているのか - もちろん、最先端を行くブログ上である。これらの情報を利用することで、自分にとって最重要で実現可能な初の商品は、少なくとも最先端を行くブロガーの1人に自分のホスティングサービスを利用してもらえ、ブロガー間で(レビュー、ツイート、特別ディスカウントなどを通して)話題を拡散してもらえることになる。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Ma says the problem isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Even if it’s a family member, he wrote:

…it’s also a major stakeholder; you’ve either got to obey them or convince them. Or choose to leave them and go do it yourself. Obey or convince, stay or leave; there are only a few simple choices, don’t overcomplicate things. It doesn’t matter if it’s a family member or not, you will have disagreements with any cooperative partner. There’s no such thing as cooperation without argument; if partners aren’t arguing they definitely won’t be able to work together successfully.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Thank you for your prompt payment. Because I specifically state in my auctions that I don't ship international, I wasn't prepared for this to be shipped overseas and adding to the packaging will add to the shipping costs due to the bigger size of the box. As it stands, the box is 25 lbs and measures 15x10x20". UPS is charging me for 32 lbs due to the size. Additionally, I don't have other packaging material and that would also be an added expense. Please have your shipper in Florida secure the package for international travel. If this is not acceptable to you, please let me know and we can agree to cancel the sale and your payment will be promptly refunded.

