i also take a look at some other stuff on yahoo japan (...) to buy and maybe sell.but your are the first wich know that if i find something.the reason why i ask you about smartphone is:on wich way can we share direct and fast pics about items.for example: when i visit some 2nd hand markets or something and see something i can take a picture and send it to you & you say yes or no.you know?do you have permanent internet on your ipad2?from now please use:df.@gmail.comits much compfortable for me to answer fast and so on.about the pics you send me about llardo: do you want exact this or someting like this?
私は、購入後、転売するためにYahoo Japanでも他の商品などを探しています。ですが、私が何を探しているかをしっかり分かってくれるのはあなたが初めてですね。スマートフォンについてお伺いした理由は:私達がいかにして直接的かつ敏速に商品の写真をシェアできるか、というところにあります。例えば、私が中古販売店などで何か良い商品を見つけて写真を撮影し、あなたに送るとします。そしてその商品を見たあなたが、良し悪しの回答をくれる、という形です。言わんとすることお分かり頂けるといいのですが。あなたのipad2上で常につないでおけるインターネット環境は整っていますか?今後はこちらをお使いください:df. @gmail.comこちらをお使い頂いた方が私にとって便利ですし、あなたに早くお返事することができますので。お送り頂いたリヤドロの写真についてですが、こちらとまったく同じものをご希望ですか?それとも似たような商品でも良いですか?注:原文英語に漏れ・誤りなどが多少ありますため、あくまでも推測にての訳になりますことご了承ください。
Some initial errors have been found in A and B. As such, please replace the items.A's main body has an error on a button at the lower right. As for B, the heart rate cannot be measured. I am concerned if A can still be replaced as its sales discontinued. If possible, I would like a replacement. If not, I will have no choice but to return the item... By the way, this is the second time this happened to the item A. When it happened the first time, my customer sent for a repair immediately after receipt, so I had to bear the repair cost...As for B, I could not classify the error properly, so I changed its main body with C's. Based on this reason, I am returning a main body and C to you.
We would like to work with you to improve the classification of your listings so that your sales are maximized. We also observed that 72 products are missing Images and 905 products are missing Descriptions. We will work together through a collaborative process to identify the best location for the listings and complete the missing information efficiently. The process should not require more than a few hours of your time and I will be available to assist you throughout the process.We can list all your products in one time using the flat file, please see the attached documents.If you want I can suggest a couple of company that you can use to translate in Italian.
I’m writing to you because we have noticed that the classification of 1179 of your listings on the website are not optimized, and are likely negatively impacting the customer experience and limiting your sales. We have found that classifying listings to the correct location may improve sales of that item.
JobLocal: Location-based Job Listing WebsiteThere are many websites that provide list and information of job vacancy in the market, some of them specifically targeting certain segment. Now, there is another job listing website based on the location of the workplace, JobLocal.me. Developed by no stranger, Willy Ekasalim who is also the founder of Bistip, together with Kreshna Utama.In a conversation via email, Kreshna Utama, CEO of JobLocal.me, explains that JobLocal.me’s service is to provide a list of vacancies based on the name of the area that can be recognized by job seeker. This means a more familiar name of the location instead of the official name of the location.
JobLocal:位置情報ベースの求人情報ウェブサイト求人リストと関連情報を提供するウェブサイトは多くあり、いくつかのウェブサイトでは特定の分野に焦点を置いている。そして新たに職場の位置情報をベースとしたもう1つの求人情報ウェブサイトJobLocal.meが登場した。Bistipの創始者としてもよく知られているEkasalimと、Kreshna Utamaによって開発された。Eメールのやり取りの中でJobLocal.meの最高経営責任者であるKreshna Utamaは、JobLocal.meのサービスは、職を探す人々が求む職場の位置情報をもとに求人情報を提供するというものだ、と述べている。これは、公式な位置情報よりもっと慣れ親しんだ位置情報を得られるということを意味する。
The area division is based on the traffic density condition. This may be one of the excellence offered by JobLocal. Kreshna explains that the area division is one of JobLocal’s main focus and it’s done its own data collecting based on observation.
Pulkam Makes Use of Waze App to Help Indonesians Return Home@Pulkam, the Twitter account in which travellers can share their pulkam or mudik experience and discover new places to eat, is making use of the social traffic app Waze to help it in tracking the holiday traffic jams. Although it’s still 29 days (or 28 days if you have a different start time) before Ramadhan is over, the Pulkam team is starting to prepare for the upcoming holiday.
Hey Brother....the Eo Tech is sent. If there are any problems...please let me know. I know you'll enjoy the sight, brother. Take care and God Bless!
よう。Eo Techは発送されたよ。もし何か問題があれば知らせてくれ。この商品、楽しんでもらえると思う。じゃ、体に気をつけて。君に神のご加護があるように!
Let me discuss with you about my shop's sales. At our shop, there are various Japanese items. In April this year, our sales figure was recorded as $36,000.00. However, the number of sessions and sales dramatically dropped, and the sales figure went down as low as $ 24,000.00.I check business reports regularly. What do you think will result in improving of sales? For your information, the number of items is updated as and when. I would very much appreciate if you could share your opinion on this matter with me.
In addition, Prasetyo Andy Wicaksono, CEO of Layang-Layang Mobile, says that the migration to BlackBerry 10 opens a new opportunity of BlackBerry 10 apps developing. Developers have a lot of options to build an app using WebWorks, Adobe Air, Android runtime or developing a native app with Cascade or C/C++. This openness can attract many developers who already learned to use those tools to build apps for BlackBerry 10.
さらに、Layang-Layang Mobileの最高経営責任者であるPrasetyo Andy Wicaksonoは、このBlackBerry 10への移行でBlackBerry 10アプリの開発において新たな機会を生み出すとしている。WebWorks、Adobe Air、Androidランタイムなどを用いてアプリを構築する上で、またCascadeやC/C++でネイティブアプリを開発する上で、ディベロッパーはオプションを多く持つ。この開放性をもって、これらのツールを用いてBlackBerry 10向けのアプリを構築することを熟知している多くのディベロッパーを誘引することができる。
Delay Becomes OpportunityThe delay on BlackBerry 10 launching is actually a blessing for developers. This delay means more time for developers to learn more on how to develop apps for BlackBerry 10. Ibnu Maksum, the developer of NuxRadio for BlackBerry, says that this delay is a chance for him to learn app developing for BlackBerry 10 using Cascade technology.
遅れが機会のきっかけにBlackBerry 10のリリースの遅れは実はディベロッパーにとってありがたいものである。この遅れによってディベロッパーはBlackBerry 10向けのアプリをいかに開発していくかを考えるより多くの時間を与えられたことになる。BlackBerry向けのNuxRadioのディベロッパーであるIbnu Maksumは、この遅れのおかげで彼はCascadeテクノロジーを利用したBlackBerry 10向けのアプリ開発について学ぶチャンスを得たと述べている。
While learning to build app for BlackBerry 10, Fakhrur Rida, freelance developer for BlackBerry app and usually known as Edo, will still develop apps for existing BlackBerry operating system. He thinks that the demand for apps both from company and retail, is so high. This seems to be what makes the developers to remain focusing in developing apps for BlackBerry.
BlackBerry 10向けのアプリの構築方法を学ぶと同時に、BlackBerryアプリのディベロッパーであり通常はEdoの名で知られるフリーランスディベロッパーのFakhrur Ridaは、既存のBlackBerryオペレーティングシステムの開発を引き続き行っていくと言う。彼は、企業と販売店双方によるアプリの需要は非常に高いと述べている。これが、ディベロッパーが引き続きBlackBerry向けのアプリ開発に焦点を置く理由と思われる。
I am sorry still bother just because I so like it,I want ask you some thing,Do you have Miku Diva f 30.August,Not a game I had send picture to you before,If you have the two items,Could you reply to me and when them release could you together shipping in FeDex
たびたび申し訳ございません。1つお聞きしたいことがあります。Miku Diva f 30はお手元にありますでしょうか?8月に一度写真を送ったことがあります。この商品、二つお手元にありましたら、発送日とFedExでの郵送が可能かどうか合わせてご連絡頂けますか?* 原文英語に言葉の漏れや誤りなどが多少ございますため、あくまでも推測の域にての訳となりますことご了承ください。
25% of Facebook Users Live in APAC [INFOGRAPHIC]Even if it’s blocked in China, Facebook has a lot of users in Asia. In fact, users in the Asia-Pacific region (that includes Australia, too) now make up more than 25 percent of Facebook’s total population. The folks at SocialBakers cooked up an infographic that breaks this down and digs deeper into Facebook trends in Singapore and Australia specifically. Before the graphic, though, a few warnings.
Facebookユーザーの25%がアジアパシフィック地域に在住 [インフォグラフィック]中国でブロックされてはいるものの、アジアには多くのFacebookユーザーがいる。実際、今ではFacebookの総ユーザー数のうち25%が(オーストラリアも含む)アジアパシフィック地域のユーザーだ。SocialBakersのメンバーは、そのデータを分析し、シンガポールとオーストラリアに特定してFacebookの傾向をより深く掘り下げ、インフォグラフィックを作り上げた。グラフィックに目を通す前に、いくつかの注意したい点がある。
For some reason, it appears our friends at SocialBakers left out Japan (even though they clearly know it’s in Asia)! Wondering if perhaps they knew something I didn’t, I double-checked with our correspondent in Japan, who confirmed the island nation was both still in existence and still located in Asia. That being the case, I took the liberty of adding Japan and its ten million Facebook users to the top of the infographic. Later on, however, Japan’s numbers aren’t represented in their charts. It’s also worth noting that the infographic sometimes uses the word “Asia” when what they actually mean is “Asia-Pacific.” Anyway, here’s the graphic!
For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
Bukalapak Expands its E-commerce Portfolio with ScallopeHaving done very well in Indonesia’s e-commerce scene with Bukalapak.com and HijUp.com, Bukalapak [1] recently released another e-commerce website called Scallope.com. Launched on July 4th, Scallope presents itself as an Indonesian Fashion Webstore.
Bukalapak、Scallopeで自社のEコマース・プロファイルを拡大Bukalapak.comとHijUp.comをもってインドネシアのEマース分野で大きな成功を遂げたBukalapak[1]は、つい先日、もう1つのEコマースウェブサイトScallope.comのサービスを開始した。7月4日にサービスを開始したScallopeはインドネシア版Fashion Webstoreと自称している。
Inspired by the growth of Indonesia online shopping market and their own experience in e-commerce, Suitmedia developed Scallope a few months ago. In May, Scallope was made available for public access. Currently Scallope has 30 tenants and sells numerous fashion products ranging from apparels, bags, shoes, to accessories. Unfortunately, Scallope can not disclose the number of its customers yet for now.
With the online fashion store market in Indonesia already has several players like Zalora, Fimelashop, and Laavaa (that was launched a day after Scallope’s launching), one may wonder how Scallope is different than the other online fashion stores. Interviewed by email, Ahmad Zaky, co-founder of Bukalapak, answered,We ensure that all products in Scallope has highest quality possible, along with the original and creative models. What makes use unique is as a webstore, we carry out curation to ensure quality and service until delivery to the customer’s hands without any flaws.
インドネシアのオンラインファッションストア市場ではZalora、Fimelashop、そして(Scallopeがサービスを開始した日の翌日にサービスを開始した)Laavaaなどの数社が既にサービスを展開しており、Scallopeが他のオンラインファッションストアと一体何が違うのだろうかと疑問に思う人もいるだろう。Eメールでのインタビューで、Bukalapakの共同創始者であるAhmada Zakyはこのように回答した:私達はScallopeの全ての商品は可能な限り最高品質であることを約束し、同時にそれらがオリジナルかつ創造性にあふれるモデルであることも保証しています。私達が他に類を見ないサービスだという理由はウェブストアにあり、私達は顧客の手元に無事問題なく商品をお届けするまで、検証などを行うことで商品の品質とサービスを確実にしています。
Regrettably, with my limited knowledge of fashion, I can’t really compare the quality of products available in these online shops.Nonetheless, I’m eager to see which online shop will make its name synonymous with online shopping in Indonesia the way Bhinneka.com is now synonymous with online gadget stores.