However, it’s not innovation that sets Silicon Valley apart from other centers of technological development—it’s a willingness to iterate. After all, even Hewlett and Packard, the spiritual godfathers of the Valley, got their start building audio oscillators for Disney, a technology that was first developed more than 40 years before. More recently, well-established tech companies have spun out start-ups such as Quora, leveraging both human capital and product development experience to improve execution on pre-existing concepts.
しかし、Silicon Valleyを他の技術開発拠点から際立たせているのはイノベーションではなく、繰り返し実行しようとするその意思だ。Valleyでスピリチュアル・ゴッドファザーと言われているHewlett氏とPackard氏でさえも、最初はディズニーのために、当時からさかのぼること40年以上も前に初めて開発された技術であるオーディオ発振器製造を行っていた。最近では、大手のテク企業がQuoraなどといったスタートアップに着手するようになり、既存のコンセプトの実行効率を改善するため人的資源と商品開発経験の両方を活用している。
In Quora’s case, the founders were not the first to build an internet answers site (Ask Jeeves in 1996, Yahoo Answers in 2005), but instead were able to draw from their experience working at Facebook to apply a Facebook-style user interface to the well-trodden Q&A format.Perhaps the key lesson from the Valley’s rise and continued prominence as a global epicenter of creative output is that innovation does not occur in a vacuum; rather it’s the result of generations of product iterations and failures that are eventually reorganized and recycled into the framework for a successful new product or company.
Quaraを例にとると、インターネットQ&Aサイトを最初に開設したのはQuaraの創始者らではなく(1996年にAsk Jeeves、2005年にYahoo Answersが開設されている)、彼らはFacebookで勤務していた頃の経験を応用し、Facebookのようなユーザーインターフェイスを基盤が整ったQ&A形式に取り込んだ。おそらく同社がValleyの繁栄とクリエイティブな作品を生み出す国際的な発信地としての弛まない重要性から学んだ最も重要なことは、イノベーションは他と関連性を持たずには生じないということだろう。むしろそれは、何度となく行われる商品の見直しと、最終的に再構築され新ヒット商品もしくは成功企業の骨組みとして再利用される失敗の積み重ねによるものだといえる。
Shockley’s “Traitorous Eight” were the Valley’s Earliest and Most Successful IteratorsThe story of William Shockley and the transistor is particularly emblematic of Silicon Valley’s role as an idea and talent aggregator rather than pure technological innovator. Shockley was originally employed by Bell Labs, a subsidiary of the AT&T telecommunications monopoly and the most successful industrial laboratory of the 20th century. (7 Nobel prizes have been awarded for work performed at Bell). As narrated in Jon Gertner’s The Idea Factory, the idea for the transistor arose out of cooperation/competition between Shockley and his fellow team members at Bell.
Shockley氏の「Traitorous Eight(8人の反逆者)」はValley初で最も成功したイテレータWilliam Shockley氏とトランジスタについての話は、単に技術的な革新者に関するものではなく、アイディア収集と人材収集の役割という面において特にSilicon Valleyを象徴している。Shockley氏は元々、電子通信業界独占企業で20世紀で最も成功した工業研究所AT&Tの子会社であるBell Labsで勤務していた(Bellでの功績に対して7つのノーベル賞を受賞している)。Jon Gertner氏のThe Idea Factoryでも語られているが、トランジスタのアイディアはShockley氏とBellの彼のチームメンバーとの共同作業と競争関係から生み出された賜物だ。
After being awarded the Nobel for their work, Shockley left Bell to form his own company in Silicon Valley—Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory—intending to commercialize the transistor. Shockley’s lab would fail, but spun off a sister company called Fairchild semiconductor, consisting of the infamous “traitorous eight” who defected in protest of Shockley’s abrasive management style. Fairchild’s founders would eventually found successful semiconductor companies of their own, including the now well-known Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, as well as the VC fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, which funded countless others.
彼らの功績に対してノーベル賞が授与された後、Shockley氏はトランジスタを商品化するべく、Silicon Valleyで自ら会社(Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory)を興すためBellを去った。Shockley氏の研究所は失敗に終わったが、Shockley氏の不快なマネジメント方式に対して抗議する形で離脱した悪名高き「traitorous eight(8人の反逆者)」を含むメンバーでFairchild Semiconductorという姉妹会社を立ち上げた。Fairchildの創始者らは最終的に彼ら独自のセミコン企業を見つけ出すことに成功したが、それには今日よく知られているIntelとAdvanced Micro Devices、そして他社に対して多額の資金投資を行ってきたベンチャーキャピタルのKleiner Perkins Caufield & Byersが含まれる。
With Insatsu Hikaku set up, Matsumoto spoke with printing companies, one at a time, to convince them to get onto his online platform. Matsumoto made the decision to leave AT Kearney in 2010 to give his startup undivided attention. He didn’t like the consulting job anyway – he always felt the entrepreneurial spirit within him.In 2012, Matsumoto’s startup received an investment of $2.3 million from Yahoo Japan, Nissay Capital, and Anri fund. With money in the bank, Matsumoto leveraged on Insatsu Hikaku’s database to set up Raksul in March 2013.
Matsumoto氏はInsatsu Hikakuの設立にあたり、印刷業者1社1社と個別に交渉し、彼のオンラインプラットフォームに参入してもらうよう働きかけた。2010年、Matsumoto氏は彼のスタートアップに集中するためAT Kearneyを去る決断をした。いずれにしろ彼はコンサルティングの仕事が好きではなく、常に自分の中にアントレプレナーとしての気質を感じていた。2012年、Matsumoro氏のスタートアップは、Yahoo Japan、Nissay Capital、そしてAnri Fundから230万米ドルの融資を受けた。この資金を元に、Matsumoto氏はInsatsu Hikakuのデータベースを利用し、2013年3月にRaksulを設立した。
The attitude of the users who are visiting price comparison sites and ecommerce sites is different. A site which has two functions, price comparison and commerce, is confusing to users. That’s why we decided to separate the sites – and The result for Raksul was promising. So promising that it attracted a whopping $15.5 million investment in January 2014 led by WiL and other participating investors including GMO Ventures Partner, Itochu, Global Brain, and Mixi. By February 2014, Raksul hit US$500,000 in sales and in March, last month, sales doubled to US$1 million. It now works with more than 1,700 printing partners in Japan and has about 40 staff members.
「価格比較サイトとEコマースサイトを訪れるユーザの習慣は異なります。価格比較とコマースの2機能をもったサイトはユーザにとって分かりづらいものです。そこで私達はRaksul.comと、この2つのサイトに分けることにしたのです。」Raksulの成果は有望だった。その高い将来性から、2014年1月にはWiL、そしてGMO Ventures Partner、Itochu、Global BrainそしてMixiを含む他の参加投資家らからなんと1550万米ドルもの融資を受けた。Raksulは、2014年2月までに50万米ドルの売上を計上し、先月3月にはその売上は100万米ドルにまで倍増した。現在同社は、日本国内で1700社以上もの印刷業者と提携しており、およそ40名の従業員を抱えている。
“Japan is growing well for us, so Southeast Asia will be our next focus this year. We would like to start a price comparison site for printing companies there soon,” says Matsumoto. You may have heard of Vistaprint, but Raksul is not the same concept: Vistaprint owns printing machines but Raksul doesn’t.
i, sorry for late reply, but I just now opened my packages that I received from you.I wanted to let you know that you sent me 2 of this brown blanket, though I had bought 1 brown blanket and 1 pink blanket The brown one is $20 more, so I wanted to PayPal you the money that I still owe, and let you know that you sent 2 brown blankets.Also, I will buy the pink blanket again through Buy It Now.Hope this all makes sense :-P
I was amazed looking at 〇〇.Because it perfectly solved the inconveniences I was feeling before.It took a lot of work to carry 2 bags. My conclusion was to carry the bags with bubble packs, just like it was shown on your video. I couldn't help laughing out loud when I watched the video. 〇〇 is a wonderful product, so I think it will sell in Japan too. I would very much like to introduce 〇〇 to the Japaneses market. Therefore, I've decided to contact you.It would be appreciated if you could refer to the simple profile attached. Thank you for your attention.
【USTREAM】4th JAPAN TOUR 2014 ~Royal Mirrorball Discotheque~ @2014.4.6 SHIBUYA-AX
"USTREAM" 4th JAPAN TOUR 2014 -Royal Mirrorball Discotheque- 6 April 2014 SHIBUYA-AX
I do have one in stock, but it got taken out of the box before I got to it. It wasn't the one I ordered for you. It has not been played, but has been photographed. If it is ok I can send it on Monday, or we can wait for the new one. Let me know either way.
「Girls TV! feat.SUPER☆GiRLS」
"Girls TV! feat. SUPER☆GiRLS"
Date: From 8 April 2014 (Tue) and 15 April 2014 (Tue) TV Show HP:*To check the broadcasting dates for each station, please visit the above website.
FC先行発売あり!詳しくはオフィシャルファンクラブ May J. Family をご覧下さい。※今回のチケット先行抽選予約は、May J. Familyに、2014年4月6日(日)までにご入会(=ご入金)いただいたき、会員番号が発番されている方を対象に行います。※今からご入会される方は、4/6(日)までに確実にご入会(=ご入金)いただくために、会費のお支払方法としてクレジットカード決済またはコンビニ決済をご選択の上で、お時間に余裕を持ってお申し込みください。
Pre-order for FC members!For more details, please visit the official fan club site: May J. Family.*The ticket pre-order draw this time is for May J. Family members who have joined (and made the payment for) the club membership before 6 April 2014 (Sun) with member numbers issued. *For those who are planning to join, please make sure to have plenty of time before joining (or making your payment for) the club for sure by 6 April (Sun) by choosing to make your payment by credit card or through convenience store payment system
■プレイガイド情報*チケットぴあ 0570-02-9999(Pコード:229-520)/ PC座席選択可*イープラス / PC座席選択可・ファミリーマート利用可*ローソンチケット 0570-000-407(Lコード:34999)/ 座席選択可*サントリーホールチケットセンター 0570-55-0017 / 窓口購入可
*Ticket Agency Info:Ticket Pia 0570-02-9999 (P code: 229-520) / PC seating selection e+ / PC seating selection, Family Mart availableLawson Ticket 0570-000-407 (L code: 34999) / Seating selectionSuntory Hall Ticket Center 0570-55-0017 / Counter purchase
■他 発売開始日*プレイガイド先行 : 4/3(木)10:00~*一般発売:4/4(金)10:00~*ぴあ先行:4/5(土)10:00~*ぴあサントリー一般 :4/12(土)10:00~
* Others - Ticket sale begins on:Ticket Agency pre-sale: 3 April (Thur) 10:00 onwardsPublic sale: 4 April (Fri) 10:00 onwardsTicket Pia pre-sale: 5 April (Sat) 10:00 onwardsPia Suntory public sale: 12 April (Sat) 10:00 onwards
さらに、May J.が"オススメミュージック"をセレクトした模様は、テレビ番組「Girls TV! feat.SUPER☆GiRLS」内のUULAコーナーでも放送されます!こちらも合わせてお楽しみに!◆「Girls TV! feat.SUPER☆GiRLS」放送日「お散歩中に聴きたいオススメソング」: 4/8(火)〜より放送「みんなと歌いたいカラオケソング」: 4/15(火)〜より放送※各放送局での放送日についてはこちら
In addition, the progress of May J.'s selection will also be shown during the UULA corner of TV show, "Girls TV! feat.SUPER☆GiRLS"! Don't miss it! *"Girls TV! feat.SUPER☆GiRLS" broadcasting date: "Recommended songs you may want to listen to while walking": Aired from 8 Apr (Tue)"Karaoke Songs you may want to sing with others": Aired from 15 Apr (Tue) -Broadcasting dates for each station:◆UULAとは?株式会社UULA(エイベックス・エンタテインメントとソフトバンクによる合弁会社)が運営するソフトバンクモバイルのスマートフォン向け総合エンタメアプリ。映画やドラマ、アニメなど豊富な映像コンテンツに加え、ミュージックビデオやアーティストのライブビデオなど、多彩な音楽コンテンツをラインナップ。*What is UULA? UULA is a UULA Co., Ltd. (a joint corporation combining Avex Entertainment and SoftBnak) owned total entertainment application for smartphones by SoftBank Mobile. In addition to rich video contents such as movies, drama series and anime series, they have various music contents such as music videos and live videos of artists as their product line-up.
I think ePacket is better. The amount you paid is for a non-registered SAL mail. I will send you a bill including the ePacket shipping fee (USD 8.00), so will you cancel the order? I will refund you immediately for the PayPal fees.
I'm sorry to have caused you trouble yesterday.I received a notice of opposition from PayPal, but please rest assured now that the item is in stock. I was looking for outlets that might carry the item, and I found one outlet. I immediately placed my order and had them send it to me. It'll arrive at my place latest by tomorrow, so I will arrange to send it to you tomorrow too. I will be able to send it out latest by Monday. I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused. I will do a proper stock check from now on.Please look forward to it as it can be shipped out soon.