yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Last Friday, Ben and I were invited to chat to Jack and have a quick look at the impressive office. It really felt more like an American style office of a well funded start-up. When chatting to Jack, we were generously given coke, tea and a nice big juicy apple sitting on a nice comfy couch over looking Tsinghua and Peking University in the distance.

The workers themselves looked very comfortable, sitting in expensive ergonomic chairs with air inflated head rests. The group meeting behind us flashy new Mac Book Air’s, reviewing a screen.

Here’s some pictures to show you how DianDian’s office looks like. Check out the bunk beds for people to rest.


先週金曜日、Ben と私は、Jackとの対談の招待を受け、その驚くほど印象的なオフィスの内部をちらりと見る機会を得ることができた。どちらかと言えば、アメリカン・スタイルで、十分資金を得ることができた新規企業のオフィスといった感じだ。遠くに清華・北京大学を見ることができる場所に配置されたおしゃれで快適なソファに座りながら Jack との対談は進み、そして対談の間、我々は、コーラ、お茶、そして大きくてジューシーなりんごを存分に振舞われた。

従業員達はそれぞれに快適な環境にいて、高価な空気調整のできるヘッドレスト付のエルゴノミック・チェアに腰掛けていた。我々の後ろで行われていたグループミーティングでは、目をひく新しいMac Book Airで、ディスプレイ確認が行われていた。

これらの写真から、DianDian のオフィス内がどんな感じか見ることができるだろう。休憩のための2段ベッドをぜひぜひ見てほしい。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Ship to:
4283 Express Ln
FL United States
Hong Kong


It is true that I said this item was sent to my address in the U.S.
I can prove this point to you.
The parcel you sent shows my address in the U.S.
I requested my forwarder in the U.S. to deliver the item, Harry Potter Wand, via their address in the U.S. to Japan, where I am.
I paid a cost of U$ 38.62 upon this arrangement.
The item you sent indicates the following addressee :
Ship to :
4283 Express Ln
FL United States

And on the back, the sender is indicated as the following :
Hong Kong

This address in the U.S. is the same as your address from when I purchased the same item from you about 2, 3 months ago.
I had to pay extra U$ 38.62 because you put the wrong address on the parcel.
I will change my feedback on you to positive if you can arrange for a refund of U$ 38.62 or send me the same item to my address in Japan.

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

What’s Wrong with Groupon in China?

Things have been looking sort of grim for Gaopeng.com, Groupon’s joint-venture in China with Tencent. Before the JV was even launched things were going wrong, with Groupon’s infamous Tibet Super Bowl ads that managed to make almost everyone angry. And, as we’ve previously reported, since Gaopeng has gotten underway, things haven’t gone much more smoothly. The company cut hundreds of staff members in China back in July, then did it again earlier this week. On top of that are concerning rumors of cashflow problems and allegations in the Chinese press that the most recent round of cuts saw employees fired quite suddenly, and with no reason for termination given.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

"Groupon’s approach to international expansion is to aggressively create a large presence upfront and refine our strategy as we gain deeper insight into the local market. We view any adjustments to the business as very typical in order to build a long-term foundation for success. Our JV in China is just one example of many new markets where we have fine tuned our strategy as we go."

Interestingly, this came just as we learned about a leaked internal communique from Groupon’s CEO that addresses, among many other things, concerns about the Gaopeng.com. Here’s what Mr. Mason had to say:



興味深いことに、グルーポンのCEOが、数多くある企業の心配材料の一つである Gaopeng.com に関し漏洩された内部広報についての懸念を表明したことを我々が知ったちょうどその頃に、この話は出てきた。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

So yeah, I’m worried about Groupon in China. At the very least, it seems its PR strategy needs a little work, but it’s hard to believe there’s not more trouble under the hood that we’re not being told about. Frankly, I’m also a little concerned about Mason’s lengthy memo, which reads much like a letter to potential investors to quiet fears pre-IPO. If the SEC discovers it was Groupon who leaked this memo intentionally, that would be very bad, given that the company is supposed to be in the quiet period before its IPO.

Anyway, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest on Groupon in China. I hope I’m wrong about these problems, but I don’t think I’m the only one who’s feeling pretty skeptical right now.


