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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Meituan to End 2011 as China’s No.1 Group Buying Site

Well it’s nearly the end of 2011 and this year has been a tumultuous year for group buying in China to say the least. This year, the number of group-buying sites reached a ridiculous 6,000+ sites but by the second half of this year, 1,800+ sites evaporated due to intense competition and low margins.

Gaopeng (Groupon China) has had a bumpy ride. First expanding at hyper speed and wildly hiring people and opening offices, burning through its treasure chest of venture capital and then eventually closed offices and laid off thousands of employees. They have even been accused of selling counterfeit watches, which damaged their credibility.





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According to the latest report released by group-buying aggregator and analytics tool, Dataotuan.com, Meituan will end the year on top in terms of revenue and total number of deals sold. It was also number 1 back in October with sales over USD$27 million. Meituan was founded by serial entrepreneur Wang Xing, who also founded Facebook clone, RenRen.com and Twitter clone, Fanfou.com.

Dataotuan on their blog said “As one of the first Group-buying sites in China, Meituan has always been focused on local service deals. We used our Deal Website Analytics Tool to look deeper into what made Meituan get to their current position.


共同購入のアグリゲーターと分析ツールのDataotuan.comが発表した最新の調査内容によると、Meituanは収益と取引処理数においてトップを飾り1年を終えるであろうと言われている。同企業は、10月にも売上高2700万米ドルをもってトップの座を獲得している。Meituanは複数の事業を運営する実業家のWang Xing氏によって設立されたが、彼はまたFacebookのクローンサイトであるRenRen.comと、TwitterのクローンサイトであるFanfou.comも立ち上げている。

同企業のブログに関してDatatuanは、「中国で初めての共同購入サイトの1つであるMeituanは、現地のサービスオファーに常に焦点を置いてきた。我々は、我々のDeal Website Analytics Tool(共同購入サイトの分析ツール)を利用して、Meituanがなぜ現在の位置に上り詰めたのかということをさらに深く調べてみた。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Besides being the new number 1 in revenue, each month Meituan has been taken a bigger percentage of the top deals. It has the most top deals since Oct. 2011, which is sign of their deal quality. And it doesn’t stop there. Meituan’s average revenue per deal is much higher than the overall average revenue per deal. While in general the average revenue (per deal) keeps dropping, Meituan’s average revenue continues growing since August.

Looking into their pricing strategy, the interesting findings are that the average price of Meituan deals is significantly lower than the total level, meanwhile Meituan is lowering the average discount slowly but steadily.”




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Japan’s ARappli Aims to Bring Augmented Reality to Everyone

Augmented reality (AR) and quick response codes (QR) are pretty neat technologies. But they aren’t often used because it is tough to execute a seamless AR campaign/experience, at least from the layman’s point of view. I met up with the folks from Arara Inc. who run ARappli. Arara is a very cool company that specifically helps brands and regular people, like you and me, to solve problems using AR and QR technologies.

Now, this isn’t another marketing firm that is using AR and QR for gimmicky purposes. One of the founders of AR and developer of AR toolkit, professor Hirokazu Kato, is actually actively involved with the R&D at ARappli.





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What I liked about ARappli is that it doesn’t require the user to scan the code at a specific angle or distance. A user can scan a QR code from a distance and still see the correct image. That means, a user can scan a QR code from a billboard or a building even from far away. Making AR easier to use in this way should encourage more brands to adopt the technology.

Of course, ARappli isn’t the only company that is focusing on AR. But Ishiko Masayoshi and Chan Wei Siang claimed that ARappli is one of the few that focuses on both cloud-based and vision-based AR technologies.



もちろん、ARに焦点を置く企業はARappli(アラプリ)だけではない。しかし、石古暢良氏とChan Wei Siang氏は、ARappli(アラプリ)が、クラウドとビジョンの両方を基盤としたARテクノロジーに焦点を置く数少ない企業の一社だと主張した。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

The ARappli app has more than 500,000 downloads currently and is growing very quickly as more brands, such as Dior and Hallmark, are using its technology for promotions and greetings, respectively. That said, ARappli’s business model is sort of “viral” in its form. Whenever it promotes a product, users are prompted to download the ARappli app.

As its business in Japan continues to grow, the team is already looking at Singapore for further expansion. If you like what you have read so far, you can download the app here and scan some codes here to experience it yourself. Have fun!




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Head has no reroots, splits, nips, green, trimmed or empty plugs. Facepaint is stunning with slightly retouched huge Lucy lips and brows. The lips and brows were fairly complete with a few specks of paint missing and the restorationist was very mindful to do as little "work" on her as possible. She also has the harder to find blue eyeliner instead of the more common brown. Hair is retied with a great hardcurl. Scalp is flocked. Earring holes have no green or discoloration. The neck knob is intact and the head is attached and turns properly.

Body is solid torso marked Barbie™ MCMLVXIII. Of course she has the fabulous Crayola crayon smell.



体はしっかりした胴体で、Barbie™ MCMLVXIIIのマーキング付です。彼女はもちろんCrayolaのクレヨンの香りを漂わせています。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 81-3
In this way, the customer becomes part of the feedback process even before the product has been launched, something that speeds up market acceptance of new products. It is also a major factor in the speed with which Microsoft can develop and market new applications.

Critics argue that by releasing applications before they have been properly tested, Microsoft actually uses its customers as crash test dummies. However, many of the companies that get involved see it as a useful exercise to gain advance information about future Microsoft developments, and even to influence the final product.


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PAGE 80-1
Senge suggests there are five components to a learning organization:

1 Systems thinking - Senge champions systems thinking, recognizing that things are interconnected.

2 Personal mastery - Senge grounds this idea in the familiar competencies and skills associated with management, but also includes spiritual growth - opening oneself up to a progressively deeper reality - and living life from a creative rather than a reactive viewpoint. This discipline involves two underlying movements - continually learning how to see current reality more clearly - and the ensuing gap between vision and reality produces the creative tension from which learning arises.


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1.システム思考 - Sengeは、システム思考を擁護する。全ては相互連携していると認識している。

2.自己マスタリー - Sengeはこのアイディアを、マネジメントに属する一般的な目的とスキルに基礎づかせているが、またこれには、自己を進行的により深い現実へと開示するといった精神的な成長や、反応的な生活というよりもクリエイティブな生活を送るということが含まれている。この修養には2つの根本的な行動を伴っている。今の現実をどのようにしてよりはっきりと見るのかということを継続して学んでいくこと、そして未来像と現実の間のついでの溝がクリエイティブな圧力を作り出し、そしてそこから学ぶということが生じるということ。

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PAGE 78-1
As might be expected with one of the world's leading computing firms, Microsoft has for a long time had a highly sophisticated electronic infrastructure. Using email, anyone in the organization can communicate with anyone else - that included Gates himself.

'In a highly iterative business, where things change so rapidly, we often need to change course midstream, so we must have an efficient feedback loop', said Gates. 'Our email system, with its lack of hierarchy, ensures that everyone who needs to know about a problem is informed within 48 hours.'


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PAGE 76-3
The company was also fanatical about learning from past mistakes. 'I used to have this memo that I updated every year called the Ten Great Mistakes of Microsoft, and I would try to make them very stimulating so people would talk about lessons for this company's future', noted Gates.

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'Many of our mistakes related to markets we didn't get into as early as we should have. The constraint was always the number of people we could hire, while still managing everything, and ensuring that we could meet all of our delivery commitments. We were always on the edge. We really pushed the limits of how fast we hired people.'


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