Taro Kobayashi (taro_kobayashi) 翻訳実績

Kamakura, Kanagawa
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 ドイツ語
taro_kobayashi 英語 → 日本語

Being too firm or aggressive with an employee who already is driven to succeed and has very high standards is running the very real risk of making that employee feel that he has little value and that you don't trust him, both of which will lead to a lack of motivation, at least in the short term.
In dealing with the latter kind of employee, you must recognize that when she has made a mistake or 'allowed something to go astray, she doesn't need you to drive the point home. She needs you to point out the problem and let her deal with it. You don't excuse what she has done; you don't let things slide. But you deal with each person as an individual.



taro_kobayashi 英語 → 日本語

While Post-Internet is a term still awkwardly vague to many, it was first conceived by artist Marisa Olson, most widely encountered in a 2008 interview conducted through the website We Make Money not Art. Her definition acknowledges that internet art can no longer be distinguished as strictly computer/internet based, but rather, can be identified as any type of art that is in some way influenced by the internet and digital media.
“I think it’s important to address the impacts of the internet on culture at large, and this can be done well on networks but can and should also exist offline.”

