You are bidding on a custom made Beatle’s Abbey Road using official Lego parts and pieces. There is no paint or decals applied to any part of the figures. This interpretation is based as close as possible to the Beatles in the Abbey Road LP cover image using what I can find to be the closest match of existing Lego parts and pieces that have been made. All parts are in excellent played with condition. Included are George, Paul, Ringo, and John Lego minifigs and a Lego constructed crosswalk as a display stand. A great addition to any Beatle or Lego fan’s collection.
how about we start 5x8gb ones off ebay? please let me know,thx.
まずebayで5x8gb(のSDカード※)を出品してみませんか。ご返事ください。※ またはMicro SD、あるいはSDHCカードと考えられます。このSDカードの最小販売単位は5個と想像できます。