あなたの商品は本日出荷されました。先週のお盆休みの影響で注文が殺到し全体的に出荷遅延があり発送が遅くなり大変申し訳ありませんでした。お詫びの気持ちとして非売品のポケモンカードなどを同梱しましたあなたが気に入ってくれたら幸いです商品は通常1~2週間以内に到着予定ですのでEstimated Delivery Dateには間に合う予定ですこの度はお買い上げ誠にありがとう御座いましたまた何かご質問があればお気軽にご連絡下さい
Today, your item was shipped.Last week was the national Obon holiday, and shipping was very slow as as a result. As a token of my apology, I have also sent you a set of not-for-sale Pokemon cards. I hope you understand and still think well of me.As usual, the product's estimated delivery date is within 1-2 weeks. Thank you very much for purchasing this product.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
My name does not match on both my credit card and my passport. On my credit card, the literal translation and reading of Chinese characters (Kanji) was used for my name. But on the passport, my name is written in the literal Korean translation and reading. For both the credit card and the passport, the same Chinese characters (Kanji) should be used for my name.Please advise me on how to resolve this issue.Thank you very much.