Shino Case (sweetshino) 翻訳実績

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sweetshino 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

You may wish to consider our free Standard Membership. You never have to pay an annual or monthly membership fee with this membership. This will allow you to use our service at your convenience without having to worry about membership charges.

Also, switching to standard will help you avoid paying the $20 sign up fee when you are ready to sign up again for your account.

Many of our members who switch to standard are very happy with the service. Most of these customers ship rather infrequently.

If you are interested in making this switch, I can waive your $10 set-up fee for you. Please let me know if you would like to take advantage of this offer. Otherwise I will send you the cancel link.






sweetshino 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Solving the Problem

We're not promoting another health and wellness program: We're reinventing the category and delivering exceptional results. We draw on extensive health industry, consumer and technology experience to constantly invent and deliver new ideas for improving health.

We work with large, self-insured employers and their employees to create healthier, more productive workforces.

Our platform blends smart incentives that truly change how employee health care is financed with a fresh consumer experience and positive, powerful social elements. Getting healthy is easier, more rewarding, and more enjoyable. Does it work? Just ask our customers, and check the bottom line.






sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

The news about Osama bin Laden may be a chance for life insurance claim investigators to raise awareness about the issues that can pop up when cross-border death claims come in.

Bin Laden himself probably would not have owned a conventional life insurance policy written by a U.S. life insurer, because he spent his life living outside the United States and was a devout Muslim.

Experts in Muslim law have agreed that convention Western life insurance policies are incompatible with Islam, in part because Western policies involve the use of interest payments.

But bin Laden is said to have been somewhat less devout when he was younger, and some of his half-brothers once lived in and around Boston.






sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

If a life insurer, life agency or estate law firm wanted to check to see, for example, whether someone had given a child life insurance policy to bin Laden or another individual when that individual was a child, it could try contacting MIB Solutions., Braintree, Mass., and asking to use the MIB Policy Locator Service.

The database can help users determine whether an insurer contacted MIB to verify the accuracy of the information on a life insurance policy application。
The information could help a user locate lost or missing life insurance policies.

Bush issued an executive order freezing bin Laden’s assets, and other governments around the world also have frozen bin Laden’s assets.


もし生命保険会社や、代理店や不動産法律事務所が、例えば、ビン・ラディン、もしくは他の個人が子供の時に、誰かその子供生命保険を購入したかどうか確認したかったら、マサチューセッツ州のMIB Solutions Braintreeに連絡して、MIBの保険検索サービスの利用を依頼できる。



sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

If a life insurer found that it did have a bin Laden policy on its books, or a life insurer or life agency wanted to bring up concerns about an insured client who had died, it could file a suspicious activity report with the federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network , an arm of the U.S. Treasury Department.

The circumstances surrounding Bin Laden’s death point to another complication: The difficulty of verifying whether an individual who has died outside a U.S. hospital has really died.

Few international life insureds are terrorists, drug traffickers or money launderers, but the number who die outside U.S. hospitals is large enough that the topic comes up periodically at life insurance claims conferences.





sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

We will continue to shift our business mix to more fee and spread-oriented products and away from products that contain higher-than-desired equity and interest rate risk. We plan to shift capital to higher return applications. We also
intend to continue to hedge or reinsure exposures to further reduce capital and earnings at risk. We intend to improve return on equity to 13 per cent by
2015.2 While we would like to achieve this sooner, we have capital invested in businesses that are not performing as well as we wish. We have made important changes to our capital allocation and have, for some time, been pricing all products and strategic investments with a target in excess of 14 per



sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

In many cases, we price far in excess of that target. The steady growth of new business priced for higher returns will be reflected in growth of return on equity over time. We will continue to offer a quality value proposition to
clients. Providing products and services to ensure a high level of client satisfaction is a core mandate for our Company. Our success in doing so is crucial to our overall success. In this case, that means delivering solutions that address our clients’most significant financial decisions.
As we plan our growth, we remain alert for opportunities for acquisitions in addition to our plans to grow our existing businesses.



sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

1. Go to the Resolution Center and get the seller's return address from the case details page:
2. Ship the item back to the seller with tracking number so eBay can confirm that the seller received the item. You can use the shipping company of your choice.3. Go back to the Resolution Center and enter the tracking number from the package. Follow the steps below in uploading the tracking number:
3.1. Click "Take Action" to the right of the case.
3.2. Click the blue "Respond to case" button.
3.3. After selecting "Provide a tracking number", click on "Enter tracking number".
3.4. Input the tracking number and shipping carrier (such as UPS, USPS, etc.) into the relevant boxes.


1 問題解決センターへ行き、事例詳細ページより販売者の返送先住所を取得して下さい。
2 eBayが販売者の返品受理を確認できるように、追跡番号を付けて販売者に商品を返品して下さい。発送には、輸送会社を自分でお選び頂いて結構です。
3 問題解決センターへ戻り、返品荷物の追跡番号を入力して下さい。追跡番号をアップロードするには以下の手順を踏んで下さい。
3.1 事例の右側にある“Take Action” をクリックしてください。
3.2 青色の“Respond to case”のボタンをクリックして下さい。
3.3 “Provide a tracking number”を選択した後、”Enter tracking number”をクリックして下さい。
3.4 追跡番号を輸送会社(UPSや郵便局など)を該当するボックスに入力して下さい。