I would very much try and establish a business relationship with you based on my whip holder and custom belt and cuff capabilities. It looks like there is a market there for American hand made leather products and that is my discipline. Perhaps we can find some sort of mutual agreement with sales commissions and so forth? I would love to custom make you some holders and have you endorse them at the very least.If this is something that you would be interested in please get back to me. I've bee really trying to enter the international market for some time. However, I make specialty items for whips and ship holders and such. Maybe we can work on a design together?
I have just won your item. I have an address in FL, so please kindly ship the item to FL address. I was about to make payment earlier. However, the shipping fee of $60 is not included, so I did not complete the payment for now. I would like to confirm that domestic shipping fee is $60. Once the $60 shipping fee is included on the payment page, I will complete the payment. Thank you for your assistance.
Hello. Thank you for your help always. I would like to tell you that there is no rain cover nor mosquito net was attached to the item I purchased below. Are these items optional? I need the cover and the net. If it is not attached to the original item, can I purchase them separately? If so, please let me know the price. I also would like to know if the below item was already shipped. Please let me know the tracking #. I am in need of these item urgently. Thank you very much.
If you have not yet contacted us regarding the backorder date, pleasecontact our customer service department at the number listed below tolet us know whether you agree to the revised date or whether you preferto cancel your order. If we do not hear from you 7 days after the firste-mail notification, we will assume that the delayed shipping date isnot agreeable to you and your order will be voided.
In the event that we are unable to fulfill your order within 30 days ofthe original shipping date listed above and you have not contacted ouroffice, your order will be canceled automatically. If you do not wantyour order canceled automatically on this date, it is essential youcontact us and request that we keep it open.We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. If you haveany further questions, please e-mail us atinternationalcustomerservice@bloomingdales.com.
上記に記載された当初の発送日から30日以内にご注文を発送する事が出来ず、お客様から当社へご連絡がなかった場合は、お客様のご注文は自動的にキャンセルとなります。発送日から30日後に、ご注文が自動キャンセルとなるのを防ぐためには、お客様からこの注文の保留依頼のご連絡を頂くことが必須となります。お客様には多大なるご迷惑をおかけいたしまして誠に申し訳ございません。今後もお問い合わせがありましたら、internationalcustomerservice@bloomingdales.com までメールにてご連絡頂けますようお願い申し上げます。
The claims approval process is based on the information we have and the information you provide to us to substantiate the damage claims—photos, statements and documentation. The information we had and that you provided to us did not substantiate the damage that you claimed. For example, damage claims are paid at the declared value or the purchase price whichever is lower. For example the photos you provided of the damage to the chainsaw was a minor scratch and no damage to the box that the chainsaw was shipped in. We do regret this situation and we wish that the outcome had been different; however, this decision is final and we consider this matter closed.
Your account manager has forwarded your emails to me for reply. We are sorry that you have experienced damages to your shipments. It is always our intent for all shipments to arrive as scheduled and without damage. Unfortunately from time to time, damages do occur. Additionally, it is often the case that we receive merchandise to our facility already damaged before we even ship it. Damage claims are reviewed individually. Each of your damage claims was reviewed in detail. The purchase of insurance does not guarantee a claim pay out.
Before start using First, you need to input your body information as well as the target weight. When you input your height and weight, it will calculate your current BMI to show your obesity level. Based on the calculated BMI, you can set appropriate target weight. Body information can be changed from MENU setting.
How to useYou can increase/decrease the weight by pushing the button on the bottom of the page. Right side button will adjust after the decimal point. By keep pushing the button, it will automatically increase/decrease the weight.You can select menu from the list.You can also attach the memo. Maximum # of letter is up to 100. By pushing the left side button, the weight you entered will be recorded.
Once weight is recorded, it will take you to graph display page automatically. If you push right button, it will take you to graph display without recording weight. Graph DisplayChange scale size of displayed graph.By pushing [-], it display past 30 days and 90 days.By pushing [+], it display graph in reverse.Default is set as to display past 14 days.End the application. Display all the saved data. Move to Main page.
Detail pageDisplay all the recorded weight.You can edit and/or delete by tapping each item.Back-upApplication database will be saved in SD card.Please note that the data will be overwritten if there is database exist in the SD card.If SD card is not inserted, back-up will be failed.The saved folder will be named [ABC].
RestoreApplication database will be replaced by the database saved in SD card. Please note that all the data in the application will be overwritten. ExportYou can export weight data for designated period via CSV.Output will fail if the beginning date is newer than the complete date.Output will also fail when there is no data for the designated period or when SD card is not inserted.
PasscodeYou can set 4-digit passcode.Once you set your passcode, you will require to input the passcode when you opening the application.If you want to delete the passcode, blank the passcode filed and press OK. Body InformationHeight can be entered either cm or feet/inch. Weight can be entered either kg or pound.If you set the weight unit as pound, other pages such as main page and graph page will be displayed in pound.
Tianjin First Hospital is the highest ranked hospital in China.Kidney transplant operations are performed every day in the hospital with 30 operation room. Every single surgeon has over 1,500 clinical experiences. I am confident that you will receive the best transplant surgery and donor in the world. With more than 2 matches of HLA (leukocytic blood type) and excellent tissue compatibility, the survival rate is known as the world’s best. You have nothing to worry to have this operation done.
Regarding the schedule, we would like you to come to Tianjin Airport first. Then, we, Japan Anbis International Medical Support Center, will assist you from the time of arriving at the airport till you are on your way back home by offering you translation and general supports. We will drive you from Tianjin Airport to the hospital. After the admission to the hospital, you will go through the series of examinations for a couple of days. Then, you will have to wait about one month (at most) for the donor. As for the donor, we recommend you to come here in next week if possible because we are expecting the number of the donor will maximize now to till 25th of this month.
As you have said, I believe that Laica M mount's superior lens did a great job with elegance and emotion.
ライカMマウントのレンズが装着できるRICOH GXR MOUNT A12で、動画の撮影をテストしてみました。優れたレンズを使っての撮影は楽しく、仕上がりも満足ゆくものでしたが、肝心のカメラの動画性能はあまり優れたものではなく残念でした。というのも、動画撮影モードにおいては露出や色調整が自由にできないのです。非常に高いポテンシャルを持ったカメラであるだけに、今後は是非、動画性能にも磨きをかけていただきたいところです。
I have tested recording a video with RICOH GXR MOUNT A12, which allows to attach Leica M Mount lens. The shooting with superior lens was such a joy for me, and the work was very satisfying. However, it is my regret that the key factor, the movie recording performance, was not so remarkable. That is because I cannot adjust exposure and color freely in video shooting mode. Since this camera has very high potential, I would like you to work on improving the video recording performance further in the future.
I heard that you have already inquired about tax from our local staff when I inquired about the status of EMS shipment.Have you heard from our staff? We have accidentally shipped 2 items. So, please keep it if you would like.
We reiterate the fact that Loving touch was not repaired but a new piece sent to you, as a matter of fact the item has been sold several times after and the same distinct crack that you refer to was also evident in the other pieces, simply because the baby is separate and attached before firing to the mother, when in the oven some times because of the expansion in the kiln there is a separation that looks like a crack. We spend valuable time in ensuring that items are packed very carefully and securely so that they reach safely their destination without damage, fact that you simply ignore and do not appreciate, and do not have time to neither peel stickers, repair items not change lap documentation.
繰り返になりますが、Loving touchは修復されていないのは事実です。その証拠に、貴方に送付したのと同じ物が後に何個か販売されましたが、どれも貴方が指摘したヒビが同じようにあります。これは単に、この赤ちゃんの商品が、母親と焼成される前、分離されたときにできたもので、窯の中で膨張した際に度々起こるもので、分離がヒビのように見えるだけです。お客様には十分ご理解いただけていないようですが、当社は、商品がきちんと丁寧に梱包され、破損なくお手元に到着するよう十分に時間をかけて作業を行っております。当社は、シールを剥がしたり、商品を修復したり、Lap登録書を変えたりという事をする時間はないのです。
Hence please don´t make any assumptions. As far as 08438 " Precious Angel " is concerned only because our ultimate goal is to ensure that are customers are satisfied with the products they purchase, if you wish to return by post we can replace with a fresh piece. You may note the lap number of this item so that you can be sure we are not sending you the same piece. We are proposing this as an option to your original suggestion of taking the item to the Lladro head office to verify quality and authenticity.
どうか憶測はしないで下さい。08438の“Precious Angel”につきましては、当社の最終目標はお客様がご購入頂いた商品にご満足頂ける事でございますので、返品をご希望でしたら、新品と交換させていただきます。品質と正規品であるかの真偽につきLladro本店で鑑定を受けると言う貴方のご提案へのオプションとして提案させて頂きたく