Shino Case (sweetshino) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

The claims approval process is based on the information we have and the information you provide to us to substantiate the damage claims—photos, statements and documentation. The information we had and that you provided to us did not substantiate the damage that you claimed. For example, damage claims are paid at the declared value or the purchase price whichever is lower. For example the photos you provided of the damage to the chainsaw was a minor scratch and no damage to the box that the chainsaw was shipped in.
We do regret this situation and we wish that the outcome had been different; however, this decision is final and we consider this matter closed.



sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

We reiterate the fact that Loving touch was not repaired but a new piece sent to you, as a matter of fact the item has been sold several times after and the same distinct crack that you refer to was also evident in the other pieces, simply because the baby is separate and attached before firing to the mother, when in the oven some times because of the expansion in the kiln there is a separation that looks like a crack. We spend valuable time in ensuring that items are packed very carefully and securely so that they reach safely their destination without damage, fact that you simply ignore and do not appreciate, and do not have time to neither peel stickers, repair items not change lap documentation.


繰り返になりますが、Loving touchは修復されていないのは事実です。その証拠に、貴方に送付したのと同じ物が後に何個か販売されましたが、どれも貴方が指摘したヒビが同じようにあります。これは単に、この赤ちゃんの商品が、母親と焼成される前、分離されたときにできたもので、窯の中で膨張した際に度々起こるもので、分離がヒビのように見えるだけです。お客様には十分ご理解いただけていないようですが、当社は、商品がきちんと丁寧に梱包され、破損なくお手元に到着するよう十分に時間をかけて作業を行っております。当社は、シールを剥がしたり、商品を修復したり、Lap登録書を変えたりという事をする時間はないのです。