藍染は使い込むほどに良い色合いになり、着こなすほどに柔らかく肌触りよくなっていく、という性質も持っており長く使用することに適しています。東京伝統工芸の匠の技を伝承する旭染工の職人によって染付けされた和柄に、京都のフロッキー魔術師”T-HEAD”によりプリントされたiqsinオリジナルデザインの手ぬぐい。特に植毛技術は特許も取得した特殊な技法で静電気を使ってひとつひとつ 紙、木、金属などに 細かい毛を接着していく加工で、大量生産も難しく、同じ技術を持った専門業者は他にはない。
Indigo dyeing is suitable for long-term use because it has characteristics of producing better shade from repeated use and softer texture from repeated wear. Igsin’s original designed hand towel printed by “T-HEAD”, a flocking magician in Kyoto, on top of Japanese pattern dyed, which is done by craftsman at Asahi dyeing factory, where special techniques of Tokyo traditional crafts has been handed over . Implanting technique is a patented special technique, which process involves attaching fine hair one by one onto surface such as paper, wood, and metal. Mass production is very difficult and there is no other professional vendor that has the same technique.
天然藍染で染め上げたTシャツにトリラボのオリジナルブランドであるiqsinのキャラクター”Hudle”を使って特殊フロッキー加工のプリントをしたオリジナルTシャツ。フロッキー加工は特許も取得した特殊な技法で静電気を使ってひとつひとつ 紙、木、金属などに 細かい毛を接着していく加工で、大量生産も難しく、同じ技術を持った専門業者は他にはありません。また日本の藍は日本固有の植物である「蓼(たで)」 から取られ、殊に深い色合いを出すことで有名です。
Original T-shirt with special flocking print of “Hudle”, a character of igsin that is Torilab’s original brand, on natural indigo dyed T-shirt. Flocking technique is a patented special technique, which process involves attaching fine hair one by one onto surface such as paper, wood, and metal. Mass production is very difficult and there is no other professional vendor that has the same technique. Japanese indigo is made from “Tade”, which inhabitant only in Japan. It is well-known for producing deep shade of color.
☆ Reconstruction with my own interpretation of Classic Still-life PaintingIntegrated organic and inorganic materials, death and rebirth are being recapitulating. ☆ Many armor helmets from ancient Japanese armors were inspired by animals. Respecting the mysterious power of animal, these armor helmets represent people’s desire to capture its power. Rabbit shape helmet symbolizes the quickness.This picture represents the image of a rabbit fighting goddess appears in front of the owner of the helmet, leading her men’s spirits.
☆日本のコンテンポラリーな文化である舞踏と、音楽をテーマに制作した。顔を覆われ言葉を発することのできない人物と、静寂の中に彼が持っている鈴の音だけが静謐の中で静かに鳴り響いている様子を表現した。☆ 猫又: シリーズの一つとして制作された。日本の民間伝承や古典の怪談、随筆などにあるネコの妖怪。古来日本では、長く生きた猫が、揚力を得て、妖怪(猫又)になるという言い伝えがあるが、現代の飼い猫が猫又になったら、というテーマで描いた。☆日本の伝統的な幽霊の女性を描いた。
☆ Themed on dancing, one of the contemporary cultures in Japan, and music.Represents the image of a person whose face is covered being unable to speak out and the calm sound of bell that is held by the person in the complete peace.☆ Nekomata:A cat specter that appears in Japanese folk legend, and classic horror tales and essay. Since ancient time in Japan, it is told that a cat lived to a great age will obtain lifting power and becomes a specter. This painting represents the image of a modern age cat becoming a Nekomata. ☆ A Classic Japanese female ghost
Whose is that born that is used as Japanese female hairpin? ☆Represents a shady mysterious girl covered with black hood. The image of the girl came from keywords, such as Japanese Manga, Dark, Punk, Gothic, and Band. ☆ A smoke specters, one of Japanese specters, appears in “Konjaku Hyaki Shuui”, a specters picture book painted by Sekien Toriyama in Edo era. It is also known as a spirit of smoke. This specter floats in the air changing its shape in various ways and is often seen as person’s face in smoke come out from furnace and bath. This represents an En En ra (a kind of smoke specter) in a child figure.
Thanks for your order today. We are writing you with information regarding your order that you have placed with us. As noted below, the items that you have requested on your recent order from MX South are currently on manufacturer back order for another 6-7 weeks. Please let us know if you have any second choices, want to leave the order open and pending item release, ship the remaining item/s now and cancel the BO item, or if you would just like to call us in 6-7 weeks to try and re-activate the order at that time. We apologize for this inconvenience. 1 -- OO9196-02 Radralock XL Straight MatBlkInk/OORdIdPo -- BACKORDERED 6-7 WEEKS
本日のご注文誠にありがとうございます。お客様のご注文の品についてご連絡差し上げております。下記の通り、MX Southよりご注文頂いた品は、現在メーカーの在庫切れとなっており、出荷に6-7週間かかります。別の商品のご希望があるか、または在庫切れの品をキャンセルして保留となっている商品を出荷するか、それとも6-7週間後に当社へご連絡いただき、このご注文を復活させる方法をとるかどうかのご連絡を御願いいたします。この度はご迷惑おかけいたしまして誠に申し訳ございません。1 -- OO9196-02 Radralock XL Straight MatBlkInk/OORdIdPo – 在庫切れ 出荷までに6-7週間要
Thank you very much. I will contact you when I have additional order (products). Thank you for your assistance. Hayakawa
アムステルダムショーケースへの参加依頼、とても光栄です。質問があります。私はアムステルダムに行く事はできないと思うのですが、それでも参加できますか?参加できる場合、プリントは額装して発送するのでしょうか?それともAmsterdam Showcase Artist Application Formでアップしたデータでプリントをしていただけるのでしょうか?
I am very honored to be invited for the showcase in Amsterdam. I have a question. I don't think I will be able to be in Amsterdam, but can I still join the event? If so, should I ship the print in frame? Or, will you print from the data that I submit via Amsterdam Showcase Artist Application Form?
Have you ever heard about the exhibition? Is there any tiny possibility for next chance? If you have heard anything, anything at all, I will greatly appreciate sharing it with me. Even if I decided to join the even, I am probably not able to be in Amsterdam due to schedule conflict.
Long time no talking to you.When I look at your wonderful work, I am encouraged from time to time. The reason I am emailing you is I don't know what to do about the invitation for Amsterdam showcase. First thing came up in my mind by hearing Amsterdam was torben. I am not expecting something big, but the event place is very nice. I cannot decide whether I should go or not.I am especially hesitating to go because it is only one-day show.
件名:新規取引のお願い 株式会社 ○○ はじめてまして。 私、NKScreate、輸入販売事業部のと申します。 突然のことですが、貴社の出品商品を拝見し、 貴社との新規取引を希望しています。 弊社は、現在日本で従業員10名、2店舗で日本の家電製品や生活用品の販売業務等をしておりますが、この度、輸入販売事業部、インターネット販売部門を立ち上げる運びとなり新規店舗を準備しております。弊社はすでに日本で人気のある海外商品を調べたうえで仕入れをして日本で販売します。
Subject: Request for Establishing New BusinessXXXXX, Inc. (or your appropriate English company name)It is my pleasure to writing you. My name is XXXX, and I am in charge of Import Sales division at NKScreate. I apologize for emailing without prior arrangement. We are contacting you because we would like to establish new business with your company as we looked at your listing items. Our company sells Japanese appliances and housewares in Japan. We have 10 employees in two stores. As we are starting up Import Sales division and Internet Sales division, we are getting ready to open a new store right now. We've done research for popular overseas items in Japan and we import those items to sell in our new store.
そこで今回貴社の商品◯◯を△個注文しますので30%の値引き価格□□□円で販売していただけませんでしょうか?弊社は下記の価格で商品の販売を希望します。品目 ◯◯数量 △個計 □□□USD支払いはPayPalで行います。配送先はPayPalに登録してある住所にお願いします。上記商品の貴社の送料を含めた最低料金の見積りをメールしてください。商品の保証や返品についても明記してください。貴社にとって重要な決断だということは理解しておりますが、☓月△日までにはご返答をお願いします。
We would like to place order of ◯◯ for △unit and we would like you to consider to offer it at JPY□□□, 30% discount of listed price, for us. Please kindly consider our proposal as below: Product name: ◯◯Quantity: △Total: USDXXXWe will make payment via Paypal. Shipping address will be Paypal registered address. We would love to get the best estimate for above item, including shipping fee. Please kindly provide us your terms and condition, such as guarantee terms and return policy. We fully understand that this is important decision to make for your company, but we are greatly appreciate you to responding us by Month, day.
お互いにとって、良い取引ができることを願っています。__________________株式会社 ○○(名前) 輸入販売事業部 ↓別の文章・商品に不備がある商品が○個あったので返金または再送してほしい・この商品は日本へ発送できますか? できるとすれば送料はいくらですか?・すばやい発送をお願い致します。
We are looking forward to do business that benefits both of parties. ---------------------------------------------NameXXXX, Inc. Import Sales Division* We've got X defect items. We would like you to refund or ship the same items again.* Can you ship this to Japan?If so, how much will it cost to ship to Japan?* Please kindly ship it as soon as possible.
私は台風や停電、ネット環境について君に無理を言うつもりはない。私は君にはプロフェッショナルとして行動して欲しい。何度も言ってきたけど、メールにはすぐに返信をすること。これは絶対に必要だ。数行にわたる質問はチャットではなく、必ずメールで行うこと。お互いの時間を無駄にしたくない。新規商品のListing Qualityやタイトルの文字化けなど問題を放置しないこと。今ひどい状況になっている。チームメンバーの進捗を報告しないで何日も放置しないこと。レポートはどうなってる?
I am not asking you too much about typhoon, outage, and Internet environment. I would like you to act like a professional. As I have been telling you repeatedly, responding email promptly is mandatory. Questions that last more than one sentence must be communicated via email. I do not want to waste of our time. Do not leave problems like listing quality for new products and garbled. It is such a disaster now. Do not neglect team member progress report. What happen to the report now?
All leopard patterned loose fit T-shirt. Sublimation Transfer technique, which produces the best printing quality, is used on the fabric. Half sleeve with wide U-neck. Cuff, hem, and neck are cut-off finish. Scattering line stones on front and back. Mesh fabric that provides high breathability. It is tiny mesh so it will not be seen through. Skull that floating out from barcode makes great impression / Corduroy Rider Jacket. Single layer tailored which is good for this coming season.
Representation may not be enough to improve relationship between countries and/or to resolve economic issues. However, it sometimes helps to remove walls, such as different thoughts, different religion, genders, and races, instantly.
My name is Hirotaka Kato at Progress Inc. I am in charge of import division.We are starting importing business as one of our new operation. This item is very rate in japan. I believe Japanese consumers like it. However, the listed price is too much for us. We would love to do more business with you for a long-term, so I would appreciate you considering offering us 30% discount. We will place orders regularly. Thank you for your consideration. Please kindly response below email address.
Hello. My name is Naoki Kudo. I am engaging in sales business in Japan. I am contacting you because "XXX", an ebay seller, gave your information for me.I often purchase items from "XXX". I am planning to purchase 10 watches at a time. Could you do a wholesale business with me? I am looking for following items now.I intend to purchase items regularly, so it would be a great pleasure if we can establish a long-term partnership. I would love to hear from you.Thank you for your consideration.
I would like to inquire about my order. I have placed my order the other day, and I would like to know the status for the order and shipping. I purchased ● and □, and I received email regarding ● order, but not for □. Please kindly confirm if both of my orders have completed. I need these items urgently, so please kindly provide your response as soon as possible. How long does it take to be in Japan? I am looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you.Contact #: 55555
サプライチェーンマネジメントの構成サプライチェーンマネジメントは、顧客満足度の向上、経営効率の向上が図れる画期的な経営手法である。そのプロセスは調達・製造・納入などの業務の連鎖からなる。 サプライチェーン(供給連鎖)は、材料・部品の供給から加工・製造・流通を経て顧客へ引渡すまでの、物の流れ・加工プロセスの連鎖(チェーン)のことである。サプライチェーンマネジメントは、企業や部門間の壁を越えて全体をみる必要がある。
Supply Chain Management StructureSupply chain management is an innovative management method which improves customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. The process consists of a chain of various operations, such as sourcing, manufacturing, and delivering. Supply chain is a flow/process from supplying of material and parts to manufacturing and distribution to the customers. Supply chain management requires to be observed beyond companies and departments.