① 熊本県産米② 熊本県産の厳選した美味しいお米をお届け致します。③ 熊本県菊池市のお米は、日本一美味しいお米として評価されています。④ 熊本県産米ドットコムでは、熊本県の菊池米(七城米)をはじめとする厳選したお米を 国内、国外に販売致します。日本一美味しい熊本県産のお米を是非一度ご賞味下さい。
①熊本縣產米②嚴格篩選後把熊本縣好吃的米寄給您。③熊本縣菊池市的米是日本評比為最好吃的米。④在熊本縣產米的網頁,以熊本縣的菊池米 (七城米) 為頭所嚴選出來的米,對國內和國外都有進行販賣。日本最好吃的熊本縣產的米,請務必要品嘗一次。
Thank you for dropping the price.I am the buyer who will spend 200 dollars to buy your items.I paid the balance immediately by Paypal. However, the shipping to Japan cannot work on the setting of Paypal.Therefore, I cannot pay the balance.Please, changing your setting of Paypal about shipping the item to Japan.I will wait for your responds. By the way, the shipping address which is written in the bottom.If it can shipping to the address in Japan which is written in the above. I will pay 205 dollars by Paypal in current setting.