Shimauma (shimauma) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語
shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

12 amazing facts you never knew about the human body
1. An adult is made up of around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms
Data is being revealed on the number of women getting screened for cervical cancer in Wales
2. In 30 minutes, the human body gives off enough heat to bring a gallon of water to the boil
3. Around 90% of the cells that make humans aren’t ‘human’ in origin. We’re mostly fungi and bacteria
4. The feet account for one quarter of all the human body’s bones
5. For every pound of fat or muscle gained, your body creates seven miles of new blood vessels
6. Each person sheds 22 kilograms of skin in his or her lifetime


1. 成人一人の体は、約7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion(10の27乗の単位))個の原子から作られている。
2. 30分間に、人間の体は水一ガロンを沸騰させるのに十分な熱を発する。
3. 人間を形成する細胞の約90%はもともと「人間」ではない。 我々は主に、菌とバクテリアから作られている。
4. 脚は、人間の全ての骨の4分の1を占めている。
5. 脂肪や筋肉が1パウンド増えるごとに、貴方の体は数マイルの新しい血管を作り出す。
6. 人間は一生の間に、一人当たり22キロの皮膚を脱ぎ捨てる。

shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I know it concerns you since you’re not able to regain your previous account information. My name is Mae and don’t worry because I will definitely help you.
○○, I would like to commend you for the patience you have shown in this situation. Here in eBay, we always want all our members to have the best experience and I’m really saddened that you encountered this problem.
By the way, I checked your account and I can confirm that there’s an unauthorized access  being done on your account. Don’t worry though because this issue can easily be resolved.
For this situation, I would advise you to call us at △△ In this way, our Account Security team
will then be able to make necessary actions to secure your account and help



shimauma 英語 → 日本語

Curb Cravings with 5 Little Words
That doughnut has your name written all over it and you’re having a hard time resisting. Is there anything you can do to curb your cravings? Definitely! What you need to do is practice the 5 D’s of dieting.
Get your mind off of the doughnut and onto to other subjects. Leave the room if you have to. You can’t distract yourself if the doughnut is staring you in the face. Out of sight means you won’t be thinking about it. Take a short break. Start reading a book or working on a difficult project. The odds are you’ll completely forget about the doughnut, candy bar, or whatever food siren is calling to you, and the craving will disappear.


1: 気をそらす