S.Harada (sharada) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
sharada 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

the latter’s spouse Alfredo Caldona, executed an ‘Agreement to Exchange

Real Properties’ (Exh. “A”, p. 16, Folder of Exhibits). In the agreement, the

parties agreed to: 1) exchange their respective properties; 2) Pineda to pay

an earnest money in the total amount of $12,000.00 on or before the first

week of February 1983; and 3) to consummate the exchange of properties

not later than June 1983. It appears that the parties undertook to clear the

mortgages over their respective properties. At the time of the execution of

the exchange agreement, the White Plains property was mortgaged with

the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) while

the California property had a total mortgage obligation of



sharada 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Please find photos below showing the damage to the contents. The package marked as “DAMAGED” in the export description contains the damaged items from this shipment, while the other package contains the non-damaged items. Should you have any questions or concerns,

MyUS has received a package containing items from EBAY, UNKNOWN SENDER and Austin that arrived to MyUS with damage. I have released these packages so that you can ship it at your own convenience, but you may want to contact your merchant regarding this discrepancy.

Thank you for your patience while we reviewed a package you recently received from Ebay. We have completed our review and released this package for shipping.



MyUSはEBAY、 UNKNOWN SENDER、やAustinの商品を含んだ荷物を受け取っています。それらの商品をは損傷した状態でMyUSに届きました。もしかしたらこの食い違いに関して荷主と連絡を取ることをお望みかもしれませんが、私はあなたの都合の良いときに発送できるようにこの商品を解放しています。


sharada 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

How did a translation app get 2 million users?
Flitto’s two million users all came onto the platform during their beta testing. Flitto just came out of beta this week in sync with TechCrunch Disrupt. Now, how does an app that was still in beta get over two million users? You have to use it to find out.

Simon Lee, founder and CEO of Flitto, demoed the mobile app for me.

So, for example, let’s say you want to translate a sign that is in Korean, into English, so that you can read it. All you have to do is take a picture of the sign and upload it to Flitto, and within one minute, other users will translate it into English.


Flittoの200万人の全てのユーザーは試験的に、プラットホーム上に参加した。TechChurch Disruptに併せて今週ベータ版がFlittoから登場した。では、まだテスト中のアプリがどのようにして200万人を超えるユーザーを獲得したのだろうか?実際に使って確かめてほしい。

Flittoの創設者でありCEOであるSimon lee氏は私にそのモバイルアプリを説明してくれた。
