アマゾンマーケットプレイス出品者のyuuki sawadaと申します。この度は、商品のご注文をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。お品物はいかがでしたでしょうか?お手数をお掛けして大変恐縮ですが、1分程度で完了する簡単な評価ですので、少しだけお時間をいただき、ご協力いただけないでしょうか。
Hello this is Yuuki Sawada from Amazon market place.Thanks for your shopping.How was the stuff ?I'll be very glad if you help me with criticizing. It won't take long but just a minute.
It's getting fun to taste coffee's smell and taste due to stopped drinking alcohol.Coffee was alway there when I work.It's for sure the coffee I used to drink wasn't good as now one.But I think the work made the coffee taste better. Felt, and taste good with the accomplishment. Nowadays, my taste hot changed and I enjoy every single cups. It's like finding a star in an apple, finding a happiness in a cup of coffee, you can find happiness in anything if you want to.A changing of aspect.
【追記有】12/16(水) ニコニコ生放送『Choreo Chronicle 2012-2015 Plus』発売記念特番※番組放送スタート時間が15分早まりした!ニコニコ生放送『Choreo Chronicle 2012-2015 Plus』発売記念特番日時:12/16(水) 18:45~21:00頃
(Addition)12.16(wed) Nico-Nico Broad cast"Choreo Chronicle 2012-2015 Plus" special program for the sellingThe starting time will be 15 minutes earlier than we'd decided before!Nico-Nico Broad cast "Choreo Chronicle 2012-2015 Plus" special program for the sellingDate: 12.16(we'd) 18:45 - around 21:00
-三浦大知 ニコニコ生放送販売サイト オープン-12月16日発売New DVD&Blu-ray「Choreo Chronicle 2012-2015 Plus」1枚購入に付き、特典「非売品告知ポスター」1枚プレゼント!※特典は無くなり次第、販売は終了になります。◆販売期間 2015年12月15日17:00~12月22日23:59
DAICHI MIURA, Nico Nico broad cast selling page is now opened.Buying one "New DVD&Blu-ray「Choreo Chronicle 2012-2015 Plus」" you get one special poster for free.The number of the poster is limited.Selling 2015.12.15 17:00- 12.22.23:59