Thank you for your message.I am very delighted by message from the longed-for United States.By the way, I run a lease business in Japan.How much can I help you for the business?I have little knowledge about the investment.Only one thing I have is "passion" for the lease business.How much will you expect me who have only passion?I think that is the important point.I cannot speak English. Is that all right for you?
こんにちはMCINTOSH C-39のフロントパネルが破損してしまいました。修理してもらうことは可能ですか?修理してもらう場合はいくらぐらいかかりますか?オレゴンに住んでいますが、どこに送ればいいですか?御連絡お待ちしております。
Hello,A front panel of MCINTOSH C-39 has been damaged.Do you have any service to repair it?How much does it cost when I have you repair it?I live in Oregon, where should I send it to?I am looking forward to your quick reply.Regards,