In the sevice Registered Airmail (Standard), could send 4 myth cloths or only 2???
Registered Airmail のサービス(標準)では2通しか送れないのですか?4通というのは作り話?
You can add the tag, Eating, to a photo of a dish and check all the photos tagged so in one place. It looks it’s heading in the right direction that users will have way more chances to post pictures and messages onto Jiepang or view their friends’ entries. The 16 categories of content make it kind of an interest-based social platform. Jiepang guys like Douban, a Chinese interest-based social network. I heard a lot of their talking about how well they thought Douban was building the interest graph and doing interest targeting advertising. This time Jiepang wants to be the Douban on mobile — Douban mobile apps performs poorly.