I'am currently a student at Our Lady of Fatima University taking up Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy I' am now on my 4th year I' am looking for a translating, expounding, data entry opportunity to help me through college.
I diligently do my tasks and I can work under pressure, I'am fluent in English written or spoken.
言語ペア | 分野 | 経験年数 | 詳細(翻訳内容など) | 翻訳例 |
英語 → 英語 | 医療・ヘルスケア | 3年 | I am currently a 4th year student taking up Pharmacy at Our Lady of Fatima University |
稼働時間 直近6ヶ月 (時間 / 月) |
納品率 (納品数 / 受注数) |
0 時間 / 月 | 100 % (4 / 4) |