持ち上げた個数実施日目標達成ザルに落ちる17.6個ザルに落ちる17.6回/Dザルから取る作業が発生するザルからとると落下する確率0.39%予想効果日当たり物の置き方標準手持ち低減発言力知識力指先の感覚で取り出す作業意識が高い意識が低い簡単に1つとれる方法は?自動締付機の導入レーンに並べて部品投入製氷皿に並べて部品投入落下させたつど段取り者を呼ぶ注意喚起のビラを貼る朝礼で唱和する落下させた都度段取り者を呼ぶ 担当作業者に落下数を記録させる完成予想図Aさんの閃き部品のサイズ
items which was lifteddate of implementationachievement of goaldrop into the basket17.6 items drop into the basketoccur the work of getting from basket at 17.6 times per D the probability of drop is 0.39 percent if you get from basketprospective effectiveness getting sunshinethe way of allocation of itemsstandard handy fallability of remarkability of knowledge working of getting out which feels like the head of fingerhigh level of awarenesslow level of awarenessWhat is the method which can take one easily?introduction of automatically TIGHTENERFEEDING COMPONENT in the laneFEEDING COMPONENT in the ice traycall the Scholar of plan every droppingpaste the advertisement which attracts attentionenchant in the morning assemblycall the Scholar of plan every droppinglet work person mark the number of dropping itemsconceptual drawingflashed of Asize od parts
The importance of measuring instrument and apparatus management In the factory, we check the products whether they are good or bad by using gauge.If gauge was deficiency of precision or out of order, it can not make sense. As a result, some customers perhaps get some inferior good, and then it causes quality problem. Then the company will lose its credits.In short, the most important thing is to use accurate gauge.we check the all important things such as purchase, registration, usage, management, daily inspection, regular examination because of insurance of gauge precision.we buy things which reach the demand level by purchase and inspection and designated maker of gauge.