This requires a very strong CTO who is constantly scouting and searching for what is happening [in tech], but its not only him. We developed a department called the BSM team which is specifically to interface between the marketing and IT teams [who may not always ‘get’ each other] and really their job is to scout and follow all the IT trends from mobile apps, payments, social commerce, mobile advertising and to them guide and push the direction that we should go towards.
Many e-commerce sites in China sell a wide selection of merchandise across different product categories from luxury to home goods etc. In other countries the luxury brands would never tolerate this? Why is China different?We found that customers are more comfortable testing a website with entry level products and once they trust the platform, service and products then will trade-up. This is one reason why we still offer 18% of our product assortment through cosmetics [because they are cheaper and hence a less risky to try the service].
Of course as the market [in China] evolves and becomes more mature we ourselves are also trading-up. Some brands we accepted onto the site two or three years ago we aren’t inviting them to participate anymore because they no longer match our image and also because we now have other preferable brands.
Also to be honest the supply of luxury goods is a bit erratic. Some seasons [the designs] work very well and the brands have no left over stock that we can sell. I don’t think its wise to build a long term scalable and sizeable business only with first-tier luxury brands, so we also work with fashion brands and accessible luxury that include Glamour Sales as part of their distribution strategy and some are even manufacturing products just for us.
正直なところ、ラグジュアリーブランドの商品の供給は予測がつかないところもあります。シーズンによっては、とてもよく売れてしまい、私たちが売れるような在庫がないこともあるんです。最高級のラグジュアリーブランドを扱うことだけで、長期にわたって拡大し続ける大規模ビジネスを築き上げることは賢いやり方ではないと思っているので、Glamour Salesを販売戦略のひとつとして捉えていたり、私たちだけのために商品を作ってくれるようようなファッションブランドやお手頃な高級ブランドとも取引をしています。
Are Glamour Sales customers coming to you specifically for flash sales?People like the concept of flash sales that start everyday at 9am. They also like the fact that it’s a bit of a race and competitive because some products are limited. We have up to seven new brands going on sale everyday and each brand has about 100 different items, so altogether around 700 new items go on sale every day, and the sales last for seven days. About 50% of sales happen in the first day, 80% in first three days.
Glamour Salesカスターマーはフラッシュセールスのためにサイトに来ているんでしょうか。毎朝9時にセールがスタートするフラッシュセールスのコンセプトは好まれています。また、商品に限りがあるため、ちょっとしたレースや競争になっていることも人気の要因のひとつです。毎日、最大で7ブランドのセールを開催し、各ブランドは約100種類の商品を用意しているので、合計で約700の新商品が毎日セールに登場します。セール期間は7日間ですが、初日に約50%、最初の3日間で80%が売れます。
At the end of the day why do people come back? It’s because they enjoy the overall experience and the customer service. So from the brands we choose, the products we choose, the overall display, sizing, photography, product description, all the way up to the experience with payments, then deliveries, returns and after sales service, I think all of this is what we call the customer’s experience and we focus on that.
What effect is the rise of mobile having on your business?Mobile is huge for us! In four years we went from 2% to 22% of sales come via smart phones and if I include tablets, then its about half of our business today. In comparison, in Japan, smart phone sales are already 40%. So based on this trend, I’m very confident, that by end of next year we will realize half of our sales coming from mobile.
We are challenging ourselves and I’m pushing all the teams from IT to creative to refocus the whole approach to concentrate on the mobile first. Whereas before we developed things first for the desktop website and then adapted the apps etc. for mobile. Now the transformation of the company is to think mobile fist, and then once you have the mobile elements right, to adapt them into the desktop. So now, everything from the description we write about the product and the images we shoot to the interfaces we develop etc. is now mobile centric.
Running A Luxury Flash-Sale Site in China: Interview with Glamour Sales CEO Thibault VilletEditor’s Note: The Interview is done for TechNode by Timothy Coghlan, an expert on the fashion industry in China and writes about the China fashion business in his blog maosuitA seasoned veteran of luxury brand retail in Asia, Thibault Villet held senior positions at both L’Oreal and Coach before launching Glamour Sales in China in 2009. With Glamour Sales now a proven and growing business in China’s super-competitive e-commerce space, Thibault spoke to TechNode about the business and operating at the intersection of fashion, luxury and technology.
中国でのラグジュアリーフラッシュセールサイトの運営: Glamour Sales CEO Thibault Villetへのインタビュー編集者注:このインタビューは、中国のファッション業界に関する専門家であるTimothy CoghlanがTechNodeのために行ったものである。Timothy Coghlanは中国のファッションビジネスに関して彼のブログmaosuiteで発信中である。アジアにおけるラグジュアリーブランド小売業界の経験が豊かなThibault VilletはL’OrealとCoachでのシニアポジション を経て、2009年に中国でGlamour Salesを立ち上げた。競争が非常に激しい中国のeコマースの世界において、今や折り紙つきの成長ビジネスとなったGlamor Sales関して、ThibaultはTechnodeにファッション、ラグジュアリー、テクノロジーを横断するビジネスとその運営について語った。
Please tell us a bit about the Glamour Sales business model?Glamour Sales is a flash sales site focusing on luxury products. We follow the European (flash sales) model of selling on consignment rather than the US model where the website operator buys all merchandise up-front. To source merchandise, we only work directly with luxury brands or their official distributors and we don’t buy and re-sell parallel imported goods for two reasons: firstly, because the margins are too low, and secondly, to ensure that through selling authentic products our business had the chance to scale.
Glamour Salesのビジネスモデルについて教えてください。Glamour Salesは高級品を中心としたフラッシュセールスのサイトです。アメリカのウェブサイト運営者が前払いで全ての商品を買い取るアメリカモデルではなく、ヨーロッパの(フラッシュセールスの)委託販売モデルにならっています。ラグジュアリーブランドまたはその公式代理店と直接取引しており、並行輸入品は取り扱っていません。その理由としては、第一に、マージンが低すぎること、第二に正規品を販売することで、我々のビジネスが拡大するチャンスがあることを確実に示すことが挙げられます。
Now in China, after four years we work with 780 brands of which 95% internationally sourced brands. In terms of our China sales breakdown, we do 70% of sales with fashion, 20% with beauty and 10% with home décor/lifestyle products. In terms of fashion, we are very pretty balanced between footwear, apparel and bags and accessories and other items meaning jewelry, watches etc.
How do you select the merchandise and what percentage of Glamour Sales merchandise is current versus out-of-season stock?For all of the first-tier luxury brands, the merchandise is one to two years old, while for accessible luxury brands; we are dealing with products a few months past their season. So for brands like Dolce & Gabbana we are now selling the winter 2012 collection and for a kids brand like Jacadi we are selling the Spring/Summer 2013 collections that only just passed.
どのように商品を選択しているのでしょうか。Glamour Salesの商品において、今シーズンものとオフシーズンの在庫ものの割合はどれぐらいでしょうか。最高級ラグジュアリーブランドは、全て1~2年前の商品ですが、もう少しお手頃なブランドはシーズンから数か月経過した商品を扱っています。例えば、 Dolce & Gabbana のようなブランでは、今、2012年のウィンターコレクションを販売していますし、Jacadiのようなキッズブランドでは、シーズンが終わったばかりの2013年のスプリング/サマーコレクションを販売しています。
We have a team of 20 people in our merchandising department and they are constantly in discussion with brands and the brands propose inventories and then the team selects what we think is most interesting for our members whether it be the style, price, or blend of both. At the end of the day what we care about is selecting the right merchandise for our members, and we also incentivize the merchandise team not only on sales but also on the sell-through.
Hello there. I purchased the Calendar a few weeks ago. I received a message stating that it was shipped November 25. I'm in no rush to receive it, however I am concerned to know just where it is. I just don't want it to be lost, that would be incredibly disappointing. If you could message me back with a current status update if possible, it would be most appreciated. I see. Well, I'm a little confused on why you messages me in the first place about the calendar because I never ordered it from this site. I sent a message to the person who did send it asking if it were possible to track because it's been taking a while, but they haven't responded. Instead you did. Which seems a bit odd to me.
Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP) is a computer algorithm for use in Internet communication, whose goal is to make abuse of server resources infeasible. It is an implementation of a proof-of-work system (POW).The idea of the CPP is to require all clients connecting to a server to correctly solve a mathematical puzzle before establishing a connection, if the server is under attack. After solving the puzzle, the client would return the solution to the server, which the server would quickly verify, or reject and drop the connection. The puzzle is made simple and easily solvable but requires at least a minimal amount of computation on the client side.
Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP) はインターネットコミュニケーションの際に使用されるコンピュータアルゴリズムであり、サーバーリソースの濫用を不可能にすることを目的としている。Proof-of-work (POW) システムの実行である。サーバーが攻撃に晒されている場合、サーバーに接続する全てのクライアントに、接続を確立する前に、数学的パズルに正解することを要求するのがCPPのアイディアである。パズルを解いた後、クライアントはサーバーに解答を送り、サーバーはすぐに認証するか、接続を切断する。パズルは単純かつ簡単に解けるものであるが、少なくともクライアント側に最低限のコンピュータ計算を要求するものである。
Legitimate users would experience just a negligible computational cost, but abuse would be deterred: those clients that try to simultaneously establish a large numbers of connections would be unable to do so because of the computational cost (time delay). This method holds promise in fighting some types of spam as well as other attacks like Denial of Service.Until 2009, Finney's system was the only RPOW system to have been implemented; it never saw economically significant use. In 2009, the Bitcoin network went online. Bitcoin is a proof-of-work cryptocurrency that, like Finney's RPOW, is also based on the Hashcash POW.
正当なユーザには取るに足らないコンピュータ計算のコストだが、これによって濫用を防ぐことができるであろう。なぜなら、同時に多くの接続を確立しようとするクライアントは、コンピュータ計算のコスト(計算による時間の遅れ)により、接続できなくなる。これはスパムやDoS攻撃への対抗手段として有効である。2009年以前は、Finneyのシステムが唯一の実行されたPROWシステムであったが、経済的見地からは有効なものではなかった。2009年、Bitcoinネットワークがオンラインに登場した。BitcoinはPOWの暗号通貨であり、FinneyのPROW同様、Hashcash POWに基づいている。
But in Bitcoin double-spend protection is provided by a decentralized P2P protocol for tracking transfers of coins, rather than the hardware trusted computing function used by RPOW. Bitcoin has better trustworthiness because it is protected by computation; RPOW is protected by the private keys stored in the TPM hardware and manufacturers holding TPM private keys. Hackers who steal a TPM manufacturer key, or anyone capable of obtaining the key by examining the TPM chip itself, could subvert that assurance. Bitcoins are "mined" using the Hashcash proof-of-work function by individual nodes and verified by the decentralized P2P Bitcoin network.
しかし、Bitcoinにおいては、RPOWによって用いられているハードウェアのコンピュータ機能への信頼ではなく、むしろコインの取引を追跡するための分散化されたP2Pプロトコルによって、二重使用からの保護を行っている。Bitcoinはコンピュータ計算によって守られているため、より一層信頼できるものである。なぜなら、PROWはTPMハードウェアに保存されたプライベートキーとTPMプライベートキーを所持するメーカーによる保護であり、TPMメーカーキーを盗むハッカー、あるいはTPMチップ自体を調査してキーを得ることができるものなら誰でもそのセキュリティを破ることは可能であろう。Bitcoinは個人のノードによるハッシュキャッシュのPOW機能を用いて「採掘」され、分散化されたP2P Bitcoinネットワークによって認証されているのである。
WeChat to launch banking platform by mid-DecemberWeChat‘s upcoming financial services platform will be launched in mid-December this year, according to Yicai (article in Chinese). Tencent (HKG:0700) is working with four Chinese fund companies to create a financial product in which users can invest their savings, similar to Baidu’s Baifa and Alibaba’s Yuebao.Users can store their savings straight from their smartphones through China’s most popular messaging app WeChat via TenPay, Tencent’s very own third-party payment system. Their money will be accessible at any time and there will be no limit to the amount of money they can deposit (unlike Baidu’s product).
WeChat、12月中旬までにバンキングプラットフォームをローンチYicai(中国語版)によれば、WeChatは今年の12月中旬までに新しいバンキングプラットフォームサービスをローンチする予定である。Tencent (HKG:0700) は、中国の4ファンドとともに、BaiduのBaifaやAlibabaのYuebaoのようなユーザが貯蓄を投資できるようなファイナンス製品の開発を進めている。ユーザは、中国で最も人気のあるメッセンジャーアプリであるWeChatを使って、Tencentの第三者支払システムであるTenPay経由でスマートフォンから直接入金することが可能である。その貯蓄にはいつでもアクセスでき、Baidu製品とは異なり、入金できる金額に制限はない予定である。
Tencent has not announced the interest rate or minimum investment. Baifa boasts an interest rate of eight percent but caps the maximum amount. Yuebao’s interest rate is about five percent. Neither require a minimum investment.WeChat has already implemented new payment options into the last version of WeChat, such as the ability to bind users’ bank cards so they can make purchases at select retailers, recharge their prepaid mobile plans, participate in the lottery, and even use vending machines. WeChat has already showed off its chops as an e-commerce player earlier this week when Xiaomi sold 150,000 smartphones through the messaging app in under 10 minutes.
The app now doubles as an e-wallet with a major advantage over its competitors – it already has 600 million registered users. This new savings portfolio offering will serve to strengthen its financial foothold. In comparison, Alibaba reported its NFC e-wallet app has 100 million registered users.WeChat has now evolved from just a chat app to a full-fledged financial services provider, social network, and gaming platform.Savings and investment portfolios, in addition to payment solutions, e-wallets, loans, and insurance, are all ways China’s web giants plan to revolutionize the country’s consumer finance sector.