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Japan Railways Experiments with ‘Train Net’Japan is renowned for its train innovation. The ‘Bullet Train’ was a breakthrough for high speed rail in the 1960s and remains to this day arguably the only economically sound implementation of the technology. In 2001 East Japan Railways (JR East) began using a ticketless payment system. This system allowed commuters to wave an IC card at the ticket gate to gain entrance. The contactless payment system was integrated into mobile phones, replicated by most all other train lines in Japan and is now used by tens of millions of commuters. This achievement stands as one of the first commercially successful applications of NFC (technically FeliCa).
Now JR East continues its progress forward as it begins experimenting with in-train Wi-Fi services.JR East has announced it will begin testing a service called ‘Train Net’ during the month of October. Train Net aims to deliver train-related information directly to passengers’ smartphones via Wi-Fi. The one month test will take place on Yamanote line trains. For non Tokyo residents, the Yamanote line is the iconic circular line which encompasses the heart of Tokyo. The Yamanote line sees an estimated 3.5 million passengers a day, making it one of Tokyo’s busiest train lines and the perfect testing ground for new services.
Train Net, while broadcasting Wi-Fi throughout the train cars does, not provide access to the outside Internet. Instead it will provide real-time information regarding the Yamanote line trains and stations based on the user’s location. Some of the information services that will be tested are:The passenger’s current station and the remaining time to subsequent stationsNews and pictures around the station of choiceReal-time updates on delays and warningsStation maps which may show things like exits and elevatorsThe temperature of each train car as well as the temperature outsideThe crowdedness of each train carCoupons and shop information for stores in the stationComics, books and moviesAdvertising
JR East is vague on some of the information the service will provide and admits the actual test may differ from this announcement. Regardless, this experiment is a step towards more personalized communications with passengers. Much of the information provided in Train Net is already presented on screens in the train. However, Train Net will allow passengers to access the information at their desire. In turn, this system may give JR East a better understanding of their customers and a more direct opportunity to advertise.More information to come (in Japanese) on JR East’s official web site.Images from JR East press release
Zynga Aims to Level Up Social GamingZynga, which makes hugely popular Facebook "social games" such as Farmville and Mafia Wars, is trying to make has released details of Adventure World, an ambitious and potentially more absorbing new type of social game.Adventure World is an Indiana Jones-style strategy game in which players search for historical artifacts and piece them together to earn virtual gold and experience points.
Zyngaはソーシャルゲームのレベルアップを目指すFacebookのFarmvilleやMafia Warsのような「ソーシャルゲーム」として非常に人気となったZyngaは、野心的で新しく熱中するタイプのソーシャルゲームの可能性があるAdventure Worldの詳細について明らかにした。Adventure Worldは、プレーヤーが歴史的な芸術品を探したり、バーチャルなゴールドや経験値を稼ぐためにそれらをまとめたりするインディージョーンズ形式の戦略的ゲームである。
The game is much larger and more complex than anything Zynga has built previously, and calls for players to strategize about not only what to do in the game itself but also which Facebook friends to invite along for the ride. It introduces concepts more commonly found in PC video games, providing a large, complex virtual world. Zynga hopes this will attract new players and keep everyone engaged longer, which is key to its profits.
Zynga's existing games can be played in as little as a few spare minutes; the company makes money mainly by selling things for players to use inside its games. The company sells a lot of these virtual items; its filing for an initial public offering reveals that Zynga had $91 million in net income last year on $597 million in revenue. That marked a five-fold increase in revenue from the year before.Advertisement
If Zynga is to keep growing, it needs to develop new kinds of social games, and Adventure World is a bold new step. It is 40 times bigger than the largest version of Farmville, featuring five major environments, including a jungle and the inside of a volcano. It has 35 different maps to explore, puzzles to solve, and enemies to battle on the way to collecting precious artifacts. Unlike other games that run within Facebook, Adventure World is designed to be played full-screen, immersing the player in the world of the game.
Zyngaが成長し続けるのであれば、新しい種類のソーシャルゲームを開発する必要があり、Adventure Worldは大胆な新しいステップである。Farmvilleの最大版より40倍も大きく、ジャングルや火山の中を含む主要な5つの環境を盛り込んでいる。探検する35の異なる地図があり、解いていくパズルや、貴重な芸術品を集める道中での敵との戦いなどがある。Facebook内でのゲームとは違って、Adventure Worldはフルスクリーンでプレイされるようにデザインされており、プレーヤーをゲームの世界へと没頭させるのである。
Adventure World was built by a team of developers with experience building "massively multiplayer online games" for companies such as Turbine, which makes The Lord of the Rings Online. The game's creators adapted concepts from this kind of PC game in an effort to provide a richer experience. "We wanted to bring more story to Facebook," says principal game designer Jesse Kurlancheek.
Adventure Worldは「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング」のオンラインゲームを作っているTurbineのような企業の「多人数同時参加型オンラインゲーム」を築いた経験のある開発者のチームによって作られた。ゲームのクリエイター達は、より豊富な体験を提供する目的で、このようなPCゲームからのコンセプトを適合した。「我々はFacebookにもっとストーリーを持ち込みたかった」とゲームの主なデザイナーであるJesse Kurlancheekは語った。
The result is a much more in-depth experience than the average social game. However, Bisceglia notes that developers must still try to preserve the casual feeling. Players need to be able to stop and take a phone call, for example, without losing their place. The key, says Bisceglia, is to balance "synchronous and asynchronous" aspects of the game, allowing players to participate whether or not their friends are playing at the same time.
Adventure World incorporates new technology that Zynga developed called the Boston Rendering Optimization engine (so called because it was created at Zynga Boston, formerly Conduit Labs). This engine allows a complex game environment to run using the browser technology Flash, speeding up the loading and processing of interactive objects and freeing designers to build larger, more complex worlds. Without the engine, players would likely experience slow loading times or hiccups during the game.
Adventure Worldはボストン・レンダリング最適化エンジン(Boston Rendering Optimization Engine)、(つまり、前Conduit LabsであるZynga Bostonで作られた呼び名)と呼ばれるZyngaが開発した新しいテクノロジーを組み込んでいる。このエンジンは複雑化したゲーム環境を、Flashのブラウザテクノロジーを利用しながら、読み込みをスピードアップさせ、双方向の目的を処理し、より大きく複雑化した世界を作るデザイナーの負担を軽減させている。エンジンがなければ、プレーヤーは読み込みの遅い時間とゲームの間の一時的な中断を体験することになるであろう。
Zynga Boston CTO Craig Lancaster says, "We wanted a social game with the style and scope of games we'd played outside of that genre, and we had to build the engine that let us do that." The company plans to use the new engine to power future games.Like other Facebook games, Adventure World is designed for short bursts of play. Players might work on a map for 15 minutes during a coffee break, says Kurlancheek. And Zynga is sticking with its proven business model, offering for sale virtual items that will help players complete tasks within the game more efficiently.
Zynga Bostonの最高技術責任者であるCraig Lancasterは「我々はジャンルにとらわれないゲームのスタイルと領域のソーシャルゲームを求めたので、それが可能となるエンジンを作る必要があった」と話す。企業は将来のゲームに電力を供給する新しいエンジンを使うことを計画している。他のFacebookのゲームのように、Adventure Worldは短期戦のプレイとしてデザインされている。プレーヤーはコーヒーブレイクの15分に地図に取り掛かるかもしれない、とKurlancheekは話す。そしてプレーヤーがゲームの中の任務をより効率的に完了するための手助けとなるバーチャルなアイテムの販売を提供しながら、Zyngaはその実績のあるビジネスモデルにこだわっている。
In addition, Kurlancheek says, Adventure World's creators aimed to deepen the social experience. Many of Zynga's games reward players who recruit friends to help them accomplish in-game tasks. In Adventure World, friends can make different contributions to one another's progress. A player can gather skills and items and then share them with friends—in order to, say, win renown as the player who does best with the grappling hook.
さらに、Kurlancheek氏はAdventure Worldのクリエイター達は社会的な体験を深めることを目指していると話す。Zyngaの多くのゲームは、ゲームの中の任務を完了させるために助けとなる友人を募集するプレーヤーに報酬を与えている。Adventure Worldでは、友人はお互いの進捗に異なった貢献をすることができる。プレーヤーはスキルやアイテムを集め、例えば、引っ掛けフックが得意なプレーヤーとしての名声を勝ち取るため、友人達とそれらを共有することができる。
PopCap’s Slow and Steady Investment in Asia May Be Starting to Pay OffSeptember 6th, 2011 No.2When PopCap began looking for platform partners in China a year and a half ago, there weren’t many social networking sites that were open to third-party developers. Tencent had yet to launch its open platform and Sina Weibo only announced a gaming platform this summer, so Renren was the only major one.
アジアでのPopCapの緩やかで着実な投資が効果をもたらし始める2011年9月6日 その2PopCapが1年半前に中国でプラットフォームのパートナーを探し始めていたころ、第三者開発者に対してオープンなソーシャルネットワークサイトはまだ多くなかった。Tencentはそのプラットフォームの立ち上げがまだであったし、Sina Weiboは今年の夏にゲームのプラットフォームを発表したばかりであったので、Renrenが唯一主要なところであった。
“In the end, they basically offered us a fantastic deal,” Gwertzman said, adding that Renren is footing the bill for a major public advertising campaign on buses and in subway stations in the major Chinese cities. Gwertzman wouldn’t comment on the terms of the Renren deal. But the experience echoes what we’ve heard from other developers in that Chinese platforms tend to be more flexible on revenue split than American social networking sites are. Renren’s open platform usually gives 48 percent of revenues to the developer from for-purchase applications, a higher cut because building a payments infrastructure in China and dealing with censorship make operating a platform here more expensive.
(Platforms generally have to review applications before they go up in the store to comply with censorship requirements, so you can’t operate a platform like Facebook or Android where apps are only taken down after the fact.)They launched the game six weeks ago, and quietly optimized the title before scaling up last week. Last Monday, the game had about 30,000 users on Renren and then they bumped it up to a half-million by the end of the week.They’ll also be taking Zuma Blitz to Tencent and putting the game on a few parts of the Chinese Internet giant’s platform like QZone, which has 530 million monthly active users.
(プラットフォームは一般的に検閲の基準に準拠するため、店頭にあがる前にアプリケーションを見直す必要がある。従って、アプリケーションがその事実後に削除されるにすぎないFacebookやAndroidといったプラットフォームでは操作できないのである)彼らは6週間前にそのゲームを立ち上げ、先週に拡大するまで、静かにそのタイトルを最適化した。先の月曜日には、ゲームはRenrenで3万ユーザー獲得し、週の終わりには50万に増えた。彼らはまた、Zuma BlitzをTencentにもたらし、月間で5臆3千万のアクティブユーザーを抱えるQZoneのような中国のインターネットの巨大なプラットフォームのいくつかにも置かれる。
Dealing With The Mobile Market in ChinaAs for mobile, PopCap has been translating its games on iOS. The Chinese-language versions are doing twice the volume of the U.S. ones in terms of installs.They worked with Sina Weibo, which is a Twitter-like platform in China that is quickly eclipsing other social networking sites like Renren to promote the game via site takeovers and banner ads. Because many people use Weibo from their mobile phones, it produced a good conversion rate although Gwertzman didn’t provide specifics.
中国での携帯市場の取り組み携帯に関して言うと、PopCapはiOSでそのゲームの翻訳をおこなっている。中国語版は、インストールの観点から、アメリカ版の2倍の量となっている。彼らは中国ではTwitterのようなプラットフォームであるSina Weiboと共同しており、それはサイトの買収を通したゲームやバナー広告を推進するRenrenのような他のソーシャルネットワーキングサイトを失墜させている。多くの人々が携帯からWeiboを利用しているので、Gwertzmanは詳細については語らなかったが、良い転換率を生み出している。
Monetization is more of a challenge in China however. Even on iOS where Apple has a very fluid payments process through iTunes, PopCap is seeing five to seven pirated copies for every legitimate app it sells because of jailbroken devices.That’s why the company will probably move to a freemium model eventually. With free-to-play games, the best titles in China can see average revenue of 1 to 2 cents per daily active user, he said.