Thank you for your reply.Please inform me of the URL of your store.
お世話になります。先日クレジットカードによる注文中に エラーしたものが アカウントには未だ反映されてませんがクレジットカードの請求にあがってきたので お知らせしますので 返金の処理を お願いします。確認したいため合計6回注文しましたが エラーになりました。 9/4分2回がOOO$、 9/5分4回がOOO$ クレジットカードは アメックス2種類使ってます。 末尾 6桁はOOOOOOとOOOOOOです。高額ですので 早急に処理していただけると助かります。
I am sorry to trouble you.There was an error while making orders via credit cards on the previous day. The orders weren't reflected on the account, but they were charged to the credit cards. Therefore, I would like to ask you to give me a refund for those transactions.I wanted to confirm on the orders, so I ordered 6 times in total and resulted in errors. On 9/4 (2 times), it was $OOO. On 9/5 (4 times), it was $OOO. I used 2 types of Amex credit card. The ending 6-digits are OOOOOO and OOOOOO. It was quite a large amount, so I would appreciate if you could process this immediately.
Your commodities have arrived safely to our company.We have no problem with the commodities. We will pay the remaining postage fee to your Paypal account.Thank you for this smooth transaction.Did you find any point that is difficult to understand or that you want us to improve?Even if it is trivial, please let us know.We will endeavor more to provide even better service to our customer.
Users are separated into translators and clients. When clients post texts that need to be translated, translators who are good at the language around the world will help translate them. The translators could be anybody. There are needs for cheap and quick translation by e-commerce and news websites. Now that information needs to be communicated in diverse languages, this service is worth paying attention to.
trippiece - Enjoy your trip sociallyThe next pitch was "trippiece" (Japan, Tokyo) which is a service for people who want to create itineraries and hang out with people they like. The service was created by Ishida Ian*, an entrepreneur who is currently studying in a university, and his team members who have oversea experience.*<Translation Note: I'm not sure about the name in Japanese.>
Everyone wants to go on a trip. When you go on a trip with someone, you can have many memorable events. There are tons of plans from travelling agencies. Also, public transportation facilities are developing, so going on a trip has never been easier. Still, there are problems like "I can't find the most suitable trip.", "I have no one to go with.", "It takes a lot of time to plan a trip." This is where trippiece , a social travelling service, come in to help solve this kind of problems.
By using the service, the users can share the information about their itineraries or experiences about their past trips. The service is connected to social networks, so they can also group itineraries by other users who have similar preferences or ideas. Different itineraries like going to Bolivia or going for a skydiving are being carried out. Currently, there are 20,000 people using this service.
イベントとコワーキングスペースをつなぐCoworkify続いてピッチを行ったのはイベントとコワーキングスペースを繋ぐC2CサービスのCoworkify(Japan,Tokyo)。Startup Weekend Kyoto2011で優勝した過去がある。ビジネス、行政、様々な場面で使われていないワークスペース過多の問題を、ワークスペースをレンタルして収益化するインフラを提供することで解決することを目指している。
Coworkify - Connecting events with co-working spaceThe next pitch was "Coworkify" (Tokyo, Japan) which is a C2C service that integrates events and co-working space together. It also won in Startup Weekend Kyoto 2011.This service aims at solving the problem of having excessive or unused working space in different settings such as in business and administration by providing infrastructures for leasing space and earn money.