osyosawa (osyosawa) 翻訳実績

4.6 3 件のレビュー
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
osyosawa 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

The consuls for 32, designated long in advance, were adherents of Antonius, Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus and C. Sosius. But five years is a long period in a revolutionary epoch. Octavianus felt that time was on his side. For the present, his colleague was constrained to support the war against Pompeius. From his fleet Antonius resigned one hundred and twenty ships against the promise of twenty thousand legionary soldiers. He never received them. Antonius departed. Before long the conviction grew upon him that he had been thwarted and deceived. He may have hoped that his military genius as well as his ships would be enlisted to deal with Pompeius.


32年と長めに任命されていた領事は、Antoniusの支持者達であるCn. Domitius AhenobarbusとC. Sosiusであった。





osyosawa 英語 → 日本語 ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0

Planning to get the new “iPhone 5C” when it goes on sale this fall? Well, you’ll want a good case to protect its smooth, plastic back from getting all scratched up, and Amazon already has you covered. Elago Design has begun taking pre-orders for its $24.99 slim fit case, which will ship on August 23.

That’s likely to be weeks before the iPhone 5C (if that is its real name) goes on sale, so be prepared to get impatient every time you see the case sit there on your desk with nothing inside it. Also bear in mind that this design hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, so you could end up with a case that doesn’t fit the iPhone 5C properly.


値が下がって売りに出された時に、iPhone 5C を手に入れようと検討中でしょうか?
そうですね、あなたはその製品にその順調さと、後ろ側のプラスチック部分が全ての傷を保護します。そして、Amazonは、あなたに対して保証します。Elago Designは、8月23日に発送する$24.99のスリムフィットケースの先行予約を始めています。

おそらくiPhone 5C(仮名)が売りに出される数週間前には、売り物籠の中に何も無い事に対して、いつもイライラしてしまう事を覚悟しておくと良いと思います。更には、この事も覚えていて頂きたいのですが、このデザインは正式にはまだ確認されていない状態です。最終的にiPhone 5Cはきちんとした形では、あなたの適合しない事になります。

osyosawa 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

While Apple may make product specifications available to a select few manufacturers ahead of a major launch, some smaller companies simply build accessories based on rumors in a bid to be first to market with their products. That’s likely to be the case here.

If that doesn’t put you off, the Elago Design cases are available in black, white, and indigo, and all come with an “HD Professional Extreme” screen protector.

“Our new S5C Slim Fit 2 case for the iPhone 5C lets you protect and cover your phone in style! The case was molded to fit perfectly and allows easy, full access to all buttons and ports on your device,” the Amazon listing reads.



もしそのケースが興味をそそるものであれば、Elago Designの黒、白、あい色のケースは入手可能です。そして、ただスクリーンを保護する物として「HD Professional Extreme」と、言う名の備えもあります。

「私達の製品「S5C Slim Fit」というiPhone 5C向けの2つのケースを使って贅沢に保護と装飾がお楽しみ頂けます。このケースはあなたの携帯電話に完全に、かつ、簡単にフィットするように作られており、ボタンや充電器等の挿入口等も十分にお使いいただけます。」と、アマゾンの商品欄は示しています。

osyosawa 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

the data that must accompany the work are
Title/Year/Technical/Support/Measurement/Artist and a brief description of the work and of yourself, write in a maximum of 150 words.
you can write what you prefer, what you feel, what for you is more representative, there are no constraints, this will be the text by which you want to present your work and yourself.
About exhibition only on website, no.......we are organizing something tangible and concrete and advertising on internet is a different thing, that everyone can do. we want to be a "showcase" real and not just virtual.
Which are the sizes of the paintings? To participate we must choose one of them even though they are both beautiful.




展示会については、ウェブサイトのみにて、、、違いました。私達は実際に触れるコンクリート製の物を手配していて、更に言えば、誰もが出来るであろう、インターネット上での広告とは違う物です。 私達は仮想の物では無く、実物のショーケースを求めています。
